Mint 17

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by denningsrogue, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. denningsrogue

    denningsrogue Bit poster

    I have been trying to create a stable virtual machine for Mint 17 with no success. The creation and install process seems to go smoothly but on the restart I go straight to the command line (no gui). I can start windows session but can't adjust the screen geometry. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Denningsrogue,

    As of now Mint Linux 17 is not compatible with Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac. Please refer to for list of Supported Guest OS in Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac.
    We are working on the product enhancements and we will include Mint Linux 17 Support in one of the future builds/versions of Parallels Desktop.

    You may try installing Parallels Tools in Mint Linux 17 as suggested at and let us know how it goes.
  3. jakejohnson

    jakejohnson Bit poster

    I don't have an answer just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I installed both Mint 17 RC and Mint 17 in Parallels 9. After the install, "the display server fails" and I'm left at the console on tty1. I can log in, stop mdm and then use "startx" to get to the desktop. I can even install Parallels tools. I have to remember to change the name of "xorg.conf.current date" to "xorg.conf" in /etc/X11 after the reboot. Mint 16 works just fine in Parallels 9. I even tried upgrading a Mint 16 install to Mint 17. The display server fails on that too. Mint 17 works fine in VMware Fusion.
  4. jorgemtds

    jorgemtds Junior Member

    I have the same problem.
  5. jakejohnson

    jakejohnson Bit poster

    Update, replace Mint 17 MDM with GDM (different display managers). Once X has stopped, login at the console. Run "sudo service mdm stop" without quotes. This will stop the Mint MDM service. Install GDM with "sudo apt-get install gdm" without quotes. This will install the Ubuntu Gnome display manager. Select gdm when asked during the install. Reboot and a login screen should appear. I tried using lightdm, did not work. I have not tried KDE kdm. I should have thought of this earlier.

    After installing Parallels tools, you may wind up with a black screen. Send a ctrl + alt + f1 or f2, your choice. Login at the console. Rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf.current_date to xorg.conf. Reboot and hopefully all is well.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
  6. jorgemtds

    jorgemtds Junior Member

    I can now login to Mate 17 thanks to your explanation "jakejohnson".

    It's not perfect, but it WORKS! And for the time being that is EXCELLENT!

    Thank you.
  7. mac-addict1982

    mac-addict1982 Junior Member

    Do you have any information on when PD 9 will be fully compatible with Mint 17 out of the box?
  8. Mint 17 (again)

    Well VMWare Fusion 6.0.3 (the current one) does it fine.
    You guys better get to work !!!

  9. jorgemtds

    jorgemtds Junior Member

    To solve this problem download the Mint 17 ISO file again.

    There's a second version (v2) available that solves it.

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