Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Stevamundo, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    I STILL can NOT play the simple Bicycle Casino game in my XP. Also about 90% of Vista's simple build in games won't open while the DirectX is enabled. When are you going to fix this Parallels? PS I'll try a DVD with my VLC media player tonight. Although I'm not holding my breath the DVD is going to show it's video while DirectX is enabled in XP.

    ALSO, Vista's videos ARE STILL choppy. When are you going to fix this too Parallels?

    On the bright side, you did make SmartSelect optional in this build and I thank you for that.
  2. wesley

    wesley Pro

    Incidentally, I wish I could find a changelog somewhere about tthis build... I mean, what did they tinker?
  3. slimemold

    slimemold Hunter

    I don't understand why people have problems with this. In the parallels dmg, there's a release notes document that outlines the changes between the various builds.
  4. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

  5. wesley

    wesley Pro

    Thank you, Andrew! I wanted to find out about it BEFORE downloading, so to speak. ;)
  6. jkwuc89

    jkwuc89 Member

    I'll probably get flamed for writing this...

    In my humble opinion, if you want to play Windows games, I strongly suggest running them in Boot Camp natively or on a dedicated Windows PC. I have never believed that a virtualized environment is a good place to run games that are highly dependent upon the underlying graphics hardware and the drivers used to access it.
  7. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    Yes, I read the release notes thank you.

    Now PLEASE Andrew tell me when is Parallels planning to fix all the incompatibilities with DirectX AND fix the choppy videos and sometimes sound in Vista???
  8. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    First of all, I can NOT run Boot Camp under my circumstances.

    Second, Parallels and VMware MAIN MISSION is to get as close to a REAL PC as they can.
  9. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    Well I just tried my VLC Media Player in XP. As I figured, it doesn't show the video while DirectX is enabled.
  10. hhwong

    hhwong Member


    Why aren't you using VLC for Mac OS X?
  11. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro


    I do use my OSX DVD player too.

    However LIKE I SAID, Parallels ULTIMATE GOAL is to be as close to a REAL PC as they can. So I experiment.
  12. hhwong

    hhwong Member

    Someone needs a life.
  13. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Our goal is to solve our customers problems. And in some cases it is far beyond of emulating real PC task.
  14. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    Good! Now solve the DirectX incompatibilities and solve the crappie video quality in Vista. :)

    Seriously Andrew, I know this has to be a real tough job. However if you tell your customers like me where Parallels is at in solving their problems. If you can do that I think you'll have more understanding customers.

    Like for me, when I see a new build and it really doesn't solve any of the big problems, that's when I get very frustrated. ALSO Parallels doesn't acknowledge it.

    Communicating with your customers is the key my friend.
  15. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    We will do our best to solve this. It is high priority task and we are working hard on it. I do hope you could expect some improvements in DirectX and Vista in next update.
  16. zumwalt

    zumwalt Member

    Nice to hear it is a priority. Its the main reason why I purchased Parallels. As for some of the other comments in this thread, the sole purpose to using Parallels for me is a single machine where I can program in both Windows and Mac at the same time along with Linux.

    I write packages that are cross platform, and I need to test graphics across the board.
    While I wait for Parallels to come up to speed with there advertised product, I am using VMWare to do my testing since it seems to fit the bill at the moment and has the features Parallels boasted on its release.

    I presume parallels will catch up to the VMWare beta shortly, and I bet my last dollar they are working there tails off on fixing these graphics issues.
  17. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    See Andrew, this is all you and the rest of Parallels have to do, at least for me anyway.

    1. Acknowledge a problem or problems do exist. 2. Explain what Parallels is doing about it.

    This applies to the other problems as well. Like my OS window can't remember its size in 4560 in my other thread.

    Thank you.
  18. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    We can't reproduce this so far. Could try to do Repair Disk Permissions in Mac Disk Utility? I suspect that you have broken permissions on file and folder where position should be stored. Please write back if it helped or not.
  19. Stevamundo

    Stevamundo Pro

    No, repairing the disk permissions didn't work either.

    Andrew, have you tried changing your screen resolution to 800x600 (stretched) and work with Parallels from my screen resolution?
  20. cartozen

    cartozen Bit poster

    Greetings as a new forum member,

    Question about virtual globe software packages needing DirectX.

    I purchased Parallels (build 4128) to run virtual globes (VG's) in a PC environment on my new MacBook Pro (2.2mhz, 2g ram, nVida GeForce 8600M GT video card). NASA WorldWind will not launch due to DirectX issue (error message = "Unable to locate a compatible graphics adapter. Make sure you are running the latest version of DirectX.")

    Reading the forums pages I see there is a DirectX issue... comments from anyone possibly using VG's ... Would really like to get WorldWind (v 1.3.5) up and working.

    thanks in advance -

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