How can I re-mount PARALLELS_COMPRESSOR volume?

Discussion in 'Parallels Compressor' started by sharkez, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. sharkez

    sharkez Member

    I've run automatic compressor on an XP VD. It took 24 hours (MBP C2D) and I went from 24G to 19G but during the process I remember it halting to ask about ejecting a disk (I thought it had something to do with Oracle, which I have installed) and after getting it to continue I am now faced with a "Windows - Wrong Volume" dialogue after clicking the last "Finish" button. It wants the PARALLELS_COMPRESSOR volume in drive D:

    I'm assuming that compressor runs off the D drive and that is mounted at the beginning. How do I remount this so I can finish, or can I just force-quit the whole thing and be done?
  2. sharkez

    sharkez Member

    Found it. It's a .iso file in the root Library/Parallels/Tools directory. Was able to attach that using the Devices menu. We're done.

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