Windows 10 Techn. Preview - installation problem

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Thomas_U, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Thomas_U

    Thomas_U Bit poster

    I tried to create a new VM both from .iso and from DVD.
    The Problem: P10 does not recognize the OS.
    Can we expect a solution for this?
  2. mmika

    mmika Pro

    Hello Thomas_U!
    What do you mean under "P10 does not recognize the OS"?
    Anyway, to workaround problem when windows installer is telling about absent drivers,
    please change location of virtual DVD drive from SATA to IDE at VM configuration settings.
    There are another workarounds on this forum for this tech preview, but these are questionable for me.
    I believe changing DVD location from SATA to one of IDE is a most suitable workaround.
    Specimen likes this.
  3. Mike Rogerson

    Mike Rogerson Bit poster

    All I did was select 'Other Windows' and it installed fine.
  4. Chris_Johnson1

    Chris_Johnson1 Bit poster

    I also selected 'other windows' for the install OS, and it almost worked. There are two killer problems:
    1. The mouse moves at a million miles per hour making control almost impossible. This is because (by default) the mouse is set to 'Auto-detect for games'. I can't change the settings to turn that part off, because the entire dialog windows is greyed out. Thus I can't change anything on the hardware -> Mouse & Keyboard page.
    2. The screen resolution maximum is 1920x1200 pixels. Much too small for my 27" iMac screen.

    I tried to work around the problems above by selecting as the operating system, Windows 7 and Windows 8. None of those options worked, since right off it wanted drivers, which I didn't have.
  5. Mike Rogerson

    Mike Rogerson Bit poster

    Hi Chris, I suspect you didn't install the Parallels tools.
    It's not there by default, just go to Device CD/DVD, mount image and navigate to the /Contents/Resources/Tools/prl-tools-win.iso inside your Parallels Desktop Application.
    Once you mounted it, go to DVD drive in Win10 and double click AutoRun, restart and you can choose 2560 x 1440.
    Oh, and you mouse will stop the 'Road Runner' effect
  6. Thomas_U

    Thomas_U Bit poster

    "What do you mean under "P10 does not recognize the OS"?"
    When I connected the .iso P10 alerted: No OS on device.
    "I believe changing DVD location from SATA to one of IDE is a most suitable workaround."
    Yes, that and "Other Windows"-setting helped resolve the issue.
    Thanks a lot, guys!
    Next I´ll install ParallelsTools because of the crazy mouse and the @-key not working.
  7. sHelphrey

    sHelphrey Bit poster

    Clone a previous machine such as Windows 8, attach the ISO, and upgrade.
  8. Mervin@Parallels

    Mervin@Parallels Guest

    Hi All,
    You can install Windows 10 Technical Preview as a virtual machine using Parallels Desktop 10, but please note that Parallels does not guarantee yet any compatibility with this Operating System at this stage of development, i.e. some Parallels Tools components may not work/install in Windows 10 Technical Preview virtual machine.

    To install Windows 10 Technical Preview in Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac, please follow the steps as suggested at:

    Let us know if you have any additional questions.

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