Cannot drag and drop from one monitor to another in PD10

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ScottCLT, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. ScottCLT

    ScottCLT Bit poster

    I have a Macbook Pro 13" connected to an external monitor with an extended Desktop running a Windows 8.1 PDVM. When I try to drag a file from one monitor to another, either from desktop to desktop, or from a folder to an email, or any other situation, when the mouse moves to the other monitor, the mouse cursor changes to a picture of a folder, and when I release the mouse button, nothing happens. It seems like PD thinks I'm trying to copy the file to the MacOS desktop, because if I have MacOS on one monitor and Windows on the other, the same behavior happens and the file is copied to the mac desktop. But I want it to stay in Windows. Is this a bug or a setting? It worked perfectly in PD9.
  2. strells

    strells Product Expert

    I hadn't tried this since the PD10 update, but I can confirm the same behavior in Windows 7.

  3. Mervin@Parallels

    Mervin@Parallels Guest

    Hello ScottCLT,
    Please try (re)installing Parallels Tools by following the steps suggested in this article: .
    Also please follow the steps provided in this link: to use Shared Clipboard and Drag'n'Drop.
    Please get back to us, if the issue persists. We are happy to help you.
  4. MC5

    MC5 Bit poster


    I have the exact same issue since upgrading to PD 10 and can confirm the issue exists even after re-installing parallels tools. With PD9 it was no issue with dragging files / folders etc between monitors while in fullscreen mode.

    With PD10, the dragged item gets stuck at the window border. If I want to paste an item from one monitor into an e-mail attachment for example, I have to drag the e-mail window to that monitor in order to be able to drag the item from that monitor in. This is very annoying.

    Exiting Full screen mode / entering coherence mode as outlined in the links provided is not an option. Dragging between monitors must work again in full screen mode like it worked in PD9.

    Looking forward to a bugfix release.

  5. Digdug

    Digdug Junior Member

    +1 from me. 2014 MBP, windows 8.1. Another new annoying "feature" of PD10.
  6. ScottCLT

    ScottCLT Bit poster

    I tried re-installing Parallels Tools and also tried completely uninstalling Parallels Tools and re-installed it. The problem still exists. I applied the clipboard options as specified in the KB link you provided. I also, just for the heck of it, tried isolating Windows from Mac, thinking this might do the trick, even though this is not really what I would want as a solution, as I do share the clipboard between Windows/Mac OS frequently. But still, the problem exists even with isolation turned on.

    For a little more information, when I click on a file and drag it across one monitor, the file shows up as a transparent icon (as it should in Windows). But when the mouse crosses over to the second display, the icon turns to this folder and when I release the mouse button, nothing happens:

    Would appreciate any assistance you can give, as this is something I do quite often with multiple monitors.


  7. MC5

    MC5 Bit poster

    I have upgraded from Mavericks to Yosemite and can confirm that this dragging issue using PD10 no longer exists. Still, Parallels should fix this also for versions below Yosemite.

    Another issue I'm still seeing is that the mouse it losing its focus when selecting a text. If I click into a text (eg. a URL), start moving the mouse, it starts to do random jumps, resetting the focus point to another position in the text. This is also very annoying. At the moment if I want to select a certain text precisely, I have to click at the start position, move the mouse unclicked to the end position and shift-click into the text for selecting exactly what I wanted to select.

    Hoping this will be fixed soon.

  8. ScottCLT

    ScottCLT Bit poster

    I am having the same issue with the mouse. But I continue to have the drag and drop even with Yosemite!
  9. ScottCLT

    ScottCLT Bit poster

    Looks like Parallels Desktop 10.1 has fixed this issue, as well as several others. Crossing my fingers that it doesn't crop up again, but for now, it seems to be working perfectly after performing the update!

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