Unable to create a VM from a Boot Camp drive.

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RayS1, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. RayS1

    RayS1 Bit poster

    I have a Mid 2012 MacBook Pro running 10.10.3 with a Thunderbolt External drive holding my BootCamp Windows 7. When I attempt to make a VM for BootCamp I get the upgrading My BootCamp progress bar that goes about 1/4 of the way and stops.I then get a dialog box that states "You need to log in to Windows to complete configuring your virtual machine."After this nothing that I have tried works. I Know that it is a problem booting the Macbook Pro from an external drive, but I've configured Windows to boot fine. I can not believe that I am the only one with this problem. It must have been solved before, but I can't get the forum and KB search to show me anything helpful.
  2. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

  3. RayS1

    RayS1 Bit poster

    Tried that. all it did was disable the boot sliver and ruin the Windows-BootCamp install. I'm rebuilding those now.
    Thanks for the suggestion. Any other ideas??
  4. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

    Hello Ray,
    Please check your private messages.
  5. RayS1

    RayS1 Bit poster

    Complex problem solved!! Ramy went to extraordinary lengths to solve an obscure problem. Many, many thanks..

  6. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

    Hi RayS1,
    Glad to hear that your issue is fixed :).
    Feel free to contact us anytime , we are happy to help you anytime.

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