Modyfying VM options in Vagrant

Discussion in 'Parallels Provider for Vagrant' started by star.absorber, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. star.absorber

    star.absorber Bit poster

    Hi. Thanks for better integration of Parallels Desktop and Vagrant in 10 version.
    Where can I find documentation about changing such options of created virtual machines as "Share Linux applications with Mac", "Share Mac clipboard" and others? No problem with prlsrvctl and base Vagrant config. But I want more control. Thanks.
  2. The most of available options can be configured via command line utilities: prlctl and prlsrvctl. The documentation is here: Command Line Reference Guide for Parallels Desktop (It is applicable to Parallels Desktop 10 as well)
    You can also read the man pages for these utilities:
    Our Vagrant provider has a convenient way to configure VMs via "prlctl". Read this doc page: (section "prlctl Customization").

    But unfortunately, there are some options and features in Parallels Desktop, which are have not been implemented in "prlctl" utility and are available only in GUI.
    "Share Linux applications with Mac", "Share Mac clipboard" are also included here, so that we can not manage them via CLI utilities or Vagrant.

    That makes me sad and I'll try to push these options to prlctl/prlsrvctl utilities.
  3. star.absorber

    star.absorber Bit poster

    Hi. Thanks for reply. Would we see those options configurable on next releases?
  4. Alexey Popov

    Alexey Popov Bit poster

    How to enable nested virtualization?
  5. I'm pretty sure that it will be done in the future. I will let you know by posting here when it will be available.

    I suppose that you mean doing this in the context of Vagrant. Since nested virtualization support is implemented in prlctl utility (see man prlctl), you can enable it using the "customize" block in Vagrantfile:
    config.vm.provider "parallels" do |v|
      v.customize ["set", :id, "--nested-virt", "on"]
    In the GUI you can enable it there: 'Configure -> Hardware -> CPU & Memory'

    Note: Nested virtualization is available only since Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2014
  6. Modifying option "Share Linux applications with Mac" via "prlctl" has been implemented in Parallels Desktop 10.1.2:
    prlctl set <vm_uuid> --sh-app-guest-to-host <on|off>
    So, you can use it with Vagrant:
    config.vm.provider "parallels" do |v|
      v.customize ["set", :id, "--sh-app-guest-to-host", "off"]
    P.s. Be careful - it will cause a failure with all previous versions of Parallels Desktop (< 10.1.2).
    You can update PD by clicking on the top menu "Parallels Desktop -> Check for Updates...", either download and install the latest build by this link:
  7. star.absorber

    star.absorber Bit poster

    Big thanks for the new options. Really. They are very useful!
    I did all what I need except "Share Folders". Can't set this parameter to "None".
    This is important because vagrant share gives access to my home folder for third party persons.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015

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