Mouse Clicks Don't Register (Windows 10)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Duotrope, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Duotrope

    Duotrope Bit poster

    "Final" release of Windows 10 running on Mac Pro cylinder.
    Bluetooth MX Logitech mouse.

    The mouse works when the VM first boots up. Then, after a few seconds, the clicks no longer register. The cursor moves fine, and I can navigate Windows using the keyboard.

    If anyone has experienced this type of behavior and has found a solution, please post here. Thanks.
  2. AssenT

    AssenT Junior Member

    I have the same problem. So far I have discovered that reinstalling the Parallels tools fixes the problem but disables the network. Then If I reinstall them again the opposite happens, I get some network but no mouse.
  3. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Please stop Windows Virtual Machine and click on Actions in the Mac menu bar > Configure... > Hardware > Mouse & Keyboard > set "SmartMouse" to Auto-detect for games or Don't optimize for games. Please refer for more instructions. Thanks!
    AssenT likes this.
  4. AssenT

    AssenT Junior Member

    I tried all that, the mouse works but sporadically. It will be working fine and in 5 minutes it will just stop registering clicks and I need to use the keyboard to relstart the VM.
    So far my experience with windows 10 running on parallels is terrible. Reminds me of the days that Macs were with PowerPC processors and the emulators had to translate even the processor type..
  5. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi AssenT,
    Please submit a Problem Report ID and provide us the ID number here, we'll check it for you.
  6. AssenT

    AssenT Junior Member

    Hi Manoj,

    This is the report ID 71444774 This time the internet was not available, the mouse worked, not sure for how long though.

  7. AssenT

    AssenT Junior Member

    I just submitted another log (ID 71472215) This time I changed the network settings to see if I will get network all I got is a mouse not working and a message THE USB device connected can not be recognised, and I have not connected anything. After a restart the mouse started to work but the net was still not available.

    Moving back to windows 8.1 while these are resolved
  8. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi AssenT,
    Thank you for reporting the issue, our developers are already aware of this issue and they are working on this. Please subscribe to our newsletters for the update. Refer,

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