Macbook Air fan is running most of the day

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Bjoern1, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. Bjoern1

    Bjoern1 Bit poster

    Hi guys
    since a couple of month i can hear my macbook air (8GB) (4GB RAM OS X / 4GB RAM Windows) fan running most of the time. I guess this happens especially since the upgrade to yosemite. Parellels 10 last version is running.
    We havent changed the existing programs nor put new stuff on Windows that the fan ist running all the time. some open firefox tabs and sometimes bigger excel sheets are open. Are there any other guys having performance issues that parallels is running with high CPU usage? This moment only outlook and firefox is running and CPU is arrount 90%. if you need more details pls let me know. i really dont know what to change to reduce the CPU usage.
    Thanks in advance
  2. Jigs Gaton

    Jigs Gaton Product Expert

    We use the same hardware here, so here is what I would do: open up task manager on the PC side and see what's running up your CPU as far as processes go. Task Manager will also show current memory usage as well as disk read/writes. Look for any runaway processes, for example, I had Chrome installed but it was creating numerous threads and just making a mess of things (which ran the fan up on one MBA), so I uninstalled that and all was well. Good luck!
  3. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Could you please try the steps below and reply us with the results:
    1.Click on Start -> type "msconfig" in the search field and press the Enter key.
    2. In the General tab -> Select "Selective startup"
    3. In the "System configuration" window go to "Startup" tab and uncheck all applications, except 'parallels'-word contained then click "Apply".
    4. After the previous step, open the "Services" tab and enable the option "Hide all Microsoft services" -> and then disable all the non-microsoft services, except 'parallels'-word contained.
    5. Click on "Apply" and "OK" -> restart your virtual machine and check the issue.
  4. Bjoern1

    Bjoern1 Bit poster

    Hi. Thanks for your reply. Chrome hase already been removed depending on the massive RAM usage a few month ago. One firefox tab with some flash on the site and the CPU is running near 100% I guess all these browsers needs more CPU Usage compared to 1 Year ago. If the MBA is running hot all the day its not that well for the hardware. i also try a new split. 2GB OSX / 6GB Windows. I am only surprised that we havent changed any new software to windows. only working with standard office apps. Maybe the hot summer this year in switzerland (office around 28 degree) is also an default issue for the maschine. i will track more the Taskmanager monitor whats going on there
  5. Bjoern1

    Bjoern1 Bit poster

    Hi Maria. Thanks for your input. I did your tests. In that case it seems to work fine. But thats not a real test if you switch of all services. i have to test again the maschine after a cool start in the new day. I swiched of some system start programs.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Ok, I see..
    So could you please provide us with the screenshots of Activity Monitor (on the Mac side) and Task Manager (on the Windows side) once the issue reoccurs. It will help us to understand what exactly happened and find the root cause of the issue.

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