Win7 VM won't boot

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by partick, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. partick

    partick Bit poster

    Hello all,

    I have run into some trouble trying to get my win7 VM to boot.

    "Status: 0xc000000e
    Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible."

    The VM turned off properly the last time so i don't really know how this happened. I inserted the Win7 install iso and booted off the dvd. I tried to get windows to fix itself but it didn't work. I realized the boot record was corrupted so i manually rebuilt it by loading cmd from the windows install disk

    bcdedit /export C:\BCD_Backup
    cd boot
    attrib bcd -s -h -r
    ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
    bootrec /RebuildBcd

    Went to reboot and now a different error came up.

    " File \Windows\System32\drivers\prl_strg.sys
    Windows failed to load because a critical system driver is missing or corrupt"

    I tried to manually load drivers from parallels tools, but the only drivers i can install are ethernet drivers...i am assuming because once internet is set up they are automatically downloaded.

    Any suggestions would be welcomed
  2. KonstantinB1

    KonstantinB1 Bit poster

    I'm experiencing the same problem:
    " File \Windows\System32\drivers\prl_strg.sys
    Windows failed to load because a critical system driver is missing or corrupt"

    The error shows after making an update of the Parallels Tools which I now deeply regret.

    Any suggestions? I urgently needto get Windows back running for my wedding preparations...
  3. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

  4. KonstantinB1

    KonstantinB1 Bit poster

    Right, sounds like a plausible way. Will this safe all my files and programms installed on the VM?
    Alternatively, is there a way to repair the prl_strg.sys in the Drivers folder? I just checked in DOS that the prl_strg.sys seems corrputed as its size is 0kb.
  5. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi Konstanrin,
    Your files and programs in Windows Virtual Machine will not be affected by transferring HDD from existing Virtual Machine to new Virtual Machine. Please try to create an empty Virtual Machine and connect existing Virtual Machine HDD to it and let us know how it works.
  6. KonstantinB1

    KonstantinB1 Bit poster

    I just tried it and unfortunately the same problem persists. I'm just wondering why it should have changed something? Aparently the prl_strg.sys-Error has to do with the system drivers - by re-using the old .hdd I seem to take in the old error again...
    Any other suggestions?
  7. KonstantinB1

    KonstantinB1 Bit poster

    Update: I was able to solve the problem by another way. What I did was install another VM with Windows 7, then go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\prl_strg.sys and save prl_strg.sys to the dektop. Next, I made an .dmg out of prl_strg.sys using DiskUtilities. Then, I mounted the .dmg as a CD, entered MS-DOS and copied the new prl_strg.sys to the folder containing the corrupt prl_strg.sys using the xcopy command and confirmed to overwrite.
    Now the old VM works again and the new one can be deleted (it only was to extract the prl_strg.sys File)
  8. DirkD1

    DirkD1 Bit poster

    Hi Konstantin,
    how did you enter MS-DOS? And what is the exact command to copy the new prl_strg.sys?
    It would be really great if you could help me, because this VM is very important.
  9. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello DirkD1, please be informed that Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac 11.2.0 (32851) was released and the issue has been addressed. Please update Parallels Desktop to the latest build. Latest version always available here: Please note that Parallels Tools also needs to be updated (Actions > Update Parallels Tools) and let us know how it works. Thanks!
  10. DirkD1

    DirkD1 Bit poster

    As expected ... it didn't helped.
  11. mmika

    mmika Pro

    Yes, it didn't help, because to update parallels tools that brings new prl_strg.sys you need to boot the VM, that can not boot. From my POW as we say about file replacement the simplest way to install another copy of Windows with same bitness. Then install parallels tools to new windows VM . Then add original virtual disk image of the broken VM to the working VM, boot the latter and copy instance of C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\prl_strg.sys to smth like d:\Windows\System32\Drivers, which is old windows folder on original virtual disk image. After copying shutdown the new VM and try to start original one. Not sure this trick work with helper DOS VM, because of NTFS file system used in modern Windows.
    DirkD1 likes this.
  12. DirkD1

    DirkD1 Bit poster

    OMG :D That was genius, mmika :D Thank you soooooo much, everything is working again :D
    Last edited: May 12, 2016

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