frustrated with constant upgrade purchase

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Hooman, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Wise87

    Wise87 Junior Member

    I'm also burnt out on the yearly $50 charge. Time to make the move like everyone else.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  2. DaveJ1

    DaveJ1 Bit poster

    Goodbye Parallels - I've just purchased VMWare Fusion 8. I want this on record that the reason for this is the poor way you treat customers with relentless upgrade fees, multiple license fees, and not allowing a free upgrade to Parallels 11 in a reasonable time frame (bought early July with no notice of a new version coming and no eligibility for upgrade)
    RobertF1 likes this.
  3. JohnL8

    JohnL8 Bit poster

    Thanks god i just came here before decide to upgrade my parallels from 10 to 11, after all the comment and features of pd 11 i decided to keep my pd 10 and will transfer to Fusion!!!
  4. MobyR

    MobyR Bit poster

    I echo the sentiments in this thread.

    I'm more likely to stick with P 10 than jump to Fusion as I still don't want to be stuck in the same yearly licensing upgrade vortex, whichever company it is - Fusion or Parallels.

    I'm seriously thinking of going the hackintosh route with two separate boot drives, one for OSX and one for Windows. I understand I won't be able to have both operating systems on at the same time but in some senses that is not a bad thing. When I'm in Windows only mode, I will treat it as 100% business time and when in OSX mode I can mix leisure with business.

    The only reason I am researching this route is because I am being forced to by the feature reduction and licensing limitations being introduced by Parallels in v11.

    I would also point out that when other companies go down the rental route they allow you to use the product on more than one mac - eg Microsoft's office 365 product and nearly every product available on the mac app store. Parallels appear to be unique in the way their rental model only works with one mac.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  5. David_T

    David_T Member

    Just noticed this post and fully agree. I've had to pay for an upgrade with mavericks (as probably many did), that was worse as old parallel wouldn't run in mavericks.

    I moved from fusion to parallels some years ago as the features were better at the time.
  6. TerryBennett

    TerryBennett Bit poster

    Agree with all the above. Regularly paid for the upgrades since version 5. Missed the cut off date for v11 by 2 days. If I had been advised of the new version I would have waited. Unethical. Switching to Fusion.
  7. CatalinT

    CatalinT Member

    Few months ago VMWare had a deal that allowed Parallels customers to switch to Fusion for 30% off. I can't post the link in here because the admin will lock me out again :) But it should be on VMware's website, do a search. I've also been a PD customer for a while but I switched to Fusion and never looked back. I continue to use one VM on PD 10 but no more upgrades for me as far as Parallels software is concerned.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  8. PeterB5

    PeterB5 Bit poster

    I've just made the switch as well. I was loyal to parallels but have 3 macs and can't afford to upgrade all three each year. I emailed parallels to ask them to allow me to upgrade 3 for a better price. I don't like being forced to use old software or upgrade all 3 separately. Now my laptop (MBP 15 retina) won't work at all as I'v upgraded to el capitan.
    Purchased Fusion 8 for discounted price and now i'm looking forward to installing on my imac and 13mbp. Fusion working like a dream once I sorted out the share folders by installing the tools. Good bye Parallels - you pushed away another customer to your competitor. I won't look back.
    RobertF1 likes this.
  9. RobertF1

    RobertF1 Bit poster

    The message quoted above was posted 2 months ago and none of our concerns have been addressed re loss of functionality in Parallels 11 as raised in this and other threads on your forum.

    Surely that is enough time for "management" to come back with a response?!
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
  10. redbuckLa

    redbuckLa Bit poster

    I admit Parallels is a great app and I consistently buying it when replaced old Mac to the new One. Would you consider monthly or yearly plan like Adobe do. This would be more acceptable.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  11. enkaytee

    enkaytee Junior Member

    I just popped back in to the forum to check for any management responses to the issues regarding licensing and the removal of features from the basic app. I was totally amazed to see that even the standard version is now based on an annual subscription model - I don't want to RENT software in this way and Adobe already lost my custom because of this. As it seems that Parallels are just ignoring their loyal customers I'm really glad I swapped to Fusion, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who is angry and frustrated at the money-grabbing attitude that this company is exhibiting and I for one don't want any more to do with them....goodbye and good riddance, Parallels...
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
    RobertF1 likes this.
  12. LeonardB1

    LeonardB1 Bit poster

    I too have been frustrated by the license and upgrade antics. I just ran across this thread and I am happy (I guess) that I am not alone with this frustration. The lack of response from Parallels just unacceptable.

    I have held senior IT management positions for many years and one of the criteria I use for software purchasing is the level of service and support the company offers. This is weighed higher than any new cute feature that can be thrown out there. Loyalty is key to a successful software company and Parallels has failed miserably to the point where loyal customers will go through the effort to switch platforms. The $$$ it costs to do the Xfer is chump change in comparison to the effort and ill will.

    Congratulations Parallel you lost another customer.
  13. kerryC1

    kerryC1 Bit poster

  14. KevinB7

    KevinB7 Member

    Well see my post WRT dishonoring purchase. I 'tried' to do the right thing and bought a 2 license pack from one of the coupon/discount sites, cost $99. Got invoice and receipt from CleverBridge. I activate and try to use it again says it will deactivate first license. Call support, after an hour and a half they tell me I didn't follow their two license purchase. They will cancel my license and I can pay for the two licenses. WTF. Anyway they would not budge, actually lied in emails (you wanted to move to Fusion and requested a refund). BS, I wanted the other license or I'd be FORCED to move to FUSION. They refunded the cost and said I asked for it. It was the only option, have a gun at the head of your daughter, do you want a refund? Well Ok then..... So in the old Police confessions model, I was verballed....

    So you try to do the right thing and they kick you in the face. How can you deal with a company like this that has absolutely no integrity at all.

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