Price Break to upgrade from Version 10 to Version 11

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JohnL5, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. JohnL5

    JohnL5 Junior Member

    I upgraded to Version 10 of Parallels Desktop for Mac on 4/22/2015. Is there ANY WAY I can get a price break to upgrade to Version 11. One of the Techies at the Parallels company said "Apple generates an update about every year". Okay .. but their upgrades are generally free. I do NOT expect a freebie ... just some sort of modest price break. Respectfully, John Love
  2. Dhruba@Parallels


    Hello John,
    Parallels is a software company that focuses its resources on creating virtualization software to support both the Mac and Windows communities. Since Apple releases new operating systems every year, we have to keep our software up-to-date to be compatible with every new OS X getting released annually. This development is very resource-consuming and comes with cost, and unlike Apple (which sells a lot of hardware products and able to afford free-of-charge OS upgrade) it is not feasible for Parallels to offer no charge upgrades to the new versions of Parallels Desktop.
    I recommend you to subscribe to Parallels newsletter in your account at to get information on all the offers and promotions Parallels runs from time to time.
  3. JanN1

    JanN1 Bit poster

    I concur generally with John. I understand Dhruba's explanation, but.... I have 2 Macs at home and sporadically use Windows - mainly for bank transactions. With latest upgrade I can have only 1 license active. Means that I will be forced to activate on one Mac and deactivate on the other each time I want to use Windows - tiring exercise. Hope only that there are no limits for such changes. Antivirus makers allowed 3 or more licenses for home use long time ago. Such step would be most welcome. I do not fancy spending 100 Euro each year at all, especially that this 50 is already too much.
  4. JohnL5

    JohnL5 Junior Member

    I really appreciate the kindness of your reply.

    I was not thinking about free, I really was not. I was thinking about a price break below the usual upgrade charge since I just upgraded to Version 10 on April 22, 2015.

    Obviously 6 months is a very, very short time span.

    Sincerely, John Love
  5. CatalinT

    CatalinT Member

    Same situation here bought PD10 in March '15 and have to pay $50 to upgrade to PD11. I moved on to Fusion for my new Mac. I'll continue to use the PD10 on my old mac until it doesn't work anymore with the OS X or newer Windows versions.
  6. JanN1

    JanN1 Bit poster

    Following Catalin's comment - I have looked at Fusion. It doesn't come for free either, but at least can run on 3 different Macs - something that I need. So, Fusion looks like more economic option.

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