I can't start a exist VM and other problems

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by DepartementI, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. DepartementI

    DepartementI Bit poster


    First, when I should contact Parallels Support directly but when I registered my activation key in my account, the website tell me it's not valid ...

    Second, I've upgrade My PD9 on PD11 and I can't start my VMs created with PD9. When I start Linux VMs, I've a error message "Hard Disk 0 is busy with other ressource or doesn't exist. But my Windows VM works perfectly.
    I open a .pvm save on a other HDD.

    Three, I can't create a new Linuw VM. When I boot on a Ubuntu iso, it's freez on boot logo. It's impossible install a new VM ...

    How can I solve my problems please ?

    Thanks you in advance.


    Aurélien Péruchon

    Sorry for my English, i'm French ^^
  2. DepartementI

    DepartementI Bit poster


    Today, I use a Mac with PD 9 installed and my Linux Vms start perfectly (my VMs created with PD 9).
    I uninstall Parallels Tools (PD 9) and my linux block on the boot logo too ...

    I don't know what to do ...

    Is it a bug on PD 11 ? How to correct this please ?
  3. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Hi, are you currently PD9 or PD11? do you have tools currently installed? Where exactly does booting stop now?
  4. DepartementI

    DepartementI Bit poster


    I am currently PD11.
    My exist VM have PD9 Tools installed but when I have uninstalled the tools, the problem doesn't solve.

    When I click on "Start VM", I saw the Boot logo (Linux) and doesn't boot. When I click "Stop VM", I saw "Stopping" with the icon turn without stop even after "Force quit". I must reboot my server.

    And I can't install a Linux on a new VM created with this PD11. I saw the start menu "Live CD"," Install", "Memory test" and when I click on "Live CD" or "Install", a black screen with a white dash displayed and that's it.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
  5. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    are you able to open Console when VM is booted in the black screen?
  6. DepartementI

    DepartementI Bit poster

    No, when is booted in the black screen because is just after the boot menu.

    I'm selecting "Graphic install" and I'm immediatly this black screen. Nothing else.

    It's an incompability with OS X 10.10 and a Apple XServe ?

    My servers are 4 Apple XServe on OS X Yosemite 10.10

    PS : Here is my today Log File : http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=22651764128101246059
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
  7. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

  8. DepartementI

    DepartementI Bit poster

    I've a problem with my account for contact support.
    When I want register my licence key on my account, it's tell me my licence key is not valid.

    My licence key is for Parallels Desktop 11 Business for Mac and my account is a standard account. But when I install PD 11 with my account, software is activate.
    So I can't contact support directly becode my support code is not valid (my product is not registered for have 30 days support).

    The @ParallelsCare tell me he delete my actual account for I'll create a new account (Business) but I've no news since yesterday.
  9. DepartementI

    DepartementI Bit poster


    Seriously, do something for your support page.

    I can't create a ticket because the form tell me my support code it's incorrect !!! It's not possible have a support for my problems prevents use your software ...

    I can't use the telephone support because I'm french or call me with a technicien speak french please.

    Thanks you

    An update of my original problem : I installing PD 11 Business Edition on a MacBook Pro 2014 and works correctly. I can install linux on a new VM no problem. So, it's a compatibility problem with Apple XServe ...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  10. AurelienP1

    AurelienP1 Bit poster

    So, I have create a new account Business (actual), you can delete from your database the user "Departementi.6643768" (it's me).

    I have activated my Parallels Desktop 11 Business on my actual account and I can manage my computers.

    But I can't contact your support by mail because, the form tell me "Support ID incorrect". It's the support ID displayed on my Assistance for Parallels Desktop Business page ...

    How I can contact the support for solve the compatibily problem with PD11 and Apple XServe if my support ID is incorrect ?
  11. RamyaS

    RamyaS Product Expert

  12. AurelienP1

    AurelienP1 Bit poster

    Yes, but I can't contact support by mail. When I want send my ticket, the form tell me "Support ID isn't correct". So, I can not contact your support.
    My Support id : 29719-88845
    I don't speak enough english for the Phone Support (I tried).

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