Windows 10 startup issue - "the user name or password is incorrect"

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Parallels User, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. >>> Message has been deleted by the user <<<
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2015
  2. Sylvester@Parallels

    Sylvester@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hello CTteg,
    The best way to fix this issue would be to reset the password for the admin account or disable the password protection.
    This article should guide you to disable the password.
  3. >>> Message has been deleted by the user <<<
  4. Sylvester@Parallels

    Sylvester@Parallels Parallels Support

    Great! feel free to reach out for any assistance with Parallels.
  5. KeiferS

    KeiferS Bit poster

    Since I sign into Windows 10 using my Microsoft account, the 'reset the password for the admin account' option didn't work. I reset my Microsoft account password, shut down the VM, closed Parallels, re-opened - same behavior as the original poster.

    I do not want to remove the password for the admin account as I'd like my VM to be secure. Is there an option c? Disabling the password shouldn't be the only solution to this problem - that seems incredibly non-secure.
  6. >>> Message has been deleted by the user <<<
  7. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Dear Keifer, please refer to this article to change the Windows 10 password. Thanks!
  8. JeffS7

    JeffS7 Bit poster

    Parallels Support:
    I have changed the Windows 10 password using the instructions posted at least twice in this thread. (
    I restarted Parallels Desktop and Windows 10. I still get the error message. Please see attached screenshot of the error message. I do not want to disable security. What should I do?

    Attached Files:

  9. JoeM1

    JoeM1 Bit poster


    I encountered the same issue today after doing the latest Windows 10 updates. Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro running under Parallels Desktop 11.2.0. It had been set for Windows auto-login, and after the Windows update this failed due to "The user name or password is incorrect. Try again."

    Manually typing the password would login, but the Windows auto-login function would no longer work. Note: In the netplwiz app, I had previously cleared the checkbox "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer". It was properly set for auto-login, this just quit working.


    (1) Start netplwiz (via CMD-R)
    (2) In User Accounts, set above checkbox to require a login
    (3) Reboot Windows 10 and at login screen enter the same password already in use
    (4) Run netplwiz again, clear the checkbox thereby re-enabling Windows auto-login. It will prompt you for the auto-login user name and password. You enter the same one that used to work.
    (5) Reboot Windows 10 (yet again) to check. After this Windows auto-login should work.

    Obviously none of this should be required. I don't know if the problem is Parallels or Windows 10, however I've not seen this on any of my other non-Mac Windows 10 machines.
    JeffS7 likes this.
  10. Raj@Parallels

    Raj@Parallels Guest

    Thanks for sharing this information.
    It is actually Windows issue, please check this for more information.
  11. OwenD1

    OwenD1 Bit poster

    @JoeM1: Thank you for this. I didn't think to cycle the setting as it was already unchecked. I ran into this issue when I went on autopilot and told my account to use a PIN. However, this can actually be done without rebooting the first time by using Apply.

    (1) Start netplwiz (via CMD-R or in Cortana bar)
    (2) In User Accounts, set above checkbox to require a login and click Apply.
    (3) Cl
    ear the checkbox thereby re-enabling Windows auto-login, and click Apply. It will prompt you for the auto-login username and password. You enter the same one that used to work. (In my case, I connected my Microsoft account and needed to change the default Parallels username to my Microsoft username/pass)
    (4) Reboot Windows 10 to check.

    After this Windows auto-login should work.
  12. JeffS7

    JeffS7 Bit poster


    (1) Start netplwiz (via CMD-R)
    (2) In User Accounts, set above checkbox to require a login
    (3) Reboot Windows 10 and at login screen enter the same password already in use
    (4) Run netplwiz again, clear the checkbox thereby re-enabling Windows auto-login. It will prompt you for the auto-login user name and password. You enter the same one that used to work.
    (5) Reboot Windows 10 (yet again) to check. After this Windows auto-login should work.


    ^ This worked for me. Thank you @JoeM1!
  13. Anderson11

    Anderson11 Bit poster

    I forgot my MS online password, and I have no any clue, can i still have a chance to recover my password?
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  14. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi Anderson11, please check out this article to fix the issue.
  15. NinzukF

    NinzukF Bit poster

    Mine is a local user account, not the account associated with Microsoft. It seems the above methods don't work. Then i turned to UUkeys, which has a great tutorial on how to remove win10 login password by burning a bootable usb reset disk.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
  16. Dinesh@Parallels

    Dinesh@Parallels Guest

    Please try this solution and check how it works!
  17. MathewB1

    MathewB1 Bit poster

    I followed the guide and it works great on my windows 10.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017

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