All VM's Frozen

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Richard7, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. Richard7

    Richard7 Bit poster

    I am running Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac. I have two VMs. One is frozen at "suspending". One is frozen at "resetting". Both with spinning wheels. I have tried all the approved methods of fixing it (killing the program and restarting. For one of the VMs I tried restoring the VM from backup but the "resetting" status is with the program nor the VM.

    The actions for the resetting VM are all greyed out

    The action items for the suspending VM only has "suspend"

    My ultimate thought is to uninstall Parallels and use a backup copy and start again.

    Any suggestions
  2. Dhana@Parallels

    Dhana@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hello Richard7,
    Please perform the steps outline at this link to restart your frozen virtual machine & let us know how it works.

  3. Richard7

    Richard7 Bit poster

    Hi Dhana,

    Yes I have tried this process but I am still stuck. Any other suggestions?



    Attached Files:

  4. Sasti@Parallels

    Sasti@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hello @Richard7,
    Check if all the Parallels Desktop processes are stopped and quit Parallels Desktop completely. Use the uninstaller tool to remove Parallels Desktop completely(this will not affect your virtual machines) and reinstall Parallels Desktop. You could download the latest build of Parallels Desktop 11 here. Let us know if this helps.
  5. Richard7

    Richard7 Bit poster

    That worked. Thanks
  6. Guna@Parallels

    Guna@Parallels Parallels Support

    Glad to hear that! Feel free to reach us for further assistance
  7. RyanS4

    RyanS4 Bit poster

    Help! I am having the exact same issue... I tried everything above but when I try the uninstaller tool I get an error that says "The action "Run AppleScript" encountered an error." and then the application just quits. I need my VMs back!! :S Please help!

    Also I tried deleting my VB completely, reinstalling Parallels and then trying to install a fresh version of Windows in a brand new VM... same thing. Parallels dies as soon as it goes to start Windows.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  8. Arunn

    Arunn Parallels Support

    Hi RyanS4, follow the steps mentioned below:
    1. Download PDRemove and run it on your Mac to remove Parallels Desktop completely.
    2. Go to Mac > Disk Utility > perform First Aid for Mac Hard Disk and check for errors. Reboot Mac.
    3. Install Parallels Desktop for Mac and launch your virtual machine and check how it goes.

    Also, check if you have given sufficient memory for your virtual machine (2 GB minimum).
  9. RyanS4

    RyanS4 Bit poster

    I can't use PDRemove as it experiences an error every time I try to run it. Are there some instructions for manually removing all Parallels files? Could someone from support please contact me? I am about to leave for 2 weeks and I really need to ensure Windows is running on my Mac before I go!
  10. Arunn

    Arunn Parallels Support

    Hello RyanS4, if you are getting an error as ''PDRemove'' can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer, then go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere.
    Now try to remove Parallels Desktop using PDRemove and check how it goes.
  11. RyanS4

    RyanS4 Bit poster

    This is not the case... the error is:

    "The action "Run AppleScript" encountered an error."

    I need quicker response time on this issue... can someone please give me a call? I need this ironed out ASAP.
  12. Arunn

    Arunn Parallels Support

    RyanS4, You can reach us directly by Phone, Chat or E-mail. Use this link.

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