Parallels Desktop 11 / macOS Sierra

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Parallels User, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. I tested the trial version of parallels desktop 11 for mac and I liked it. In autumn the new mac OS version will be released. Will parallels desktop 11 run on mac OS sierra? If not, will there be a special offer to upgrade to 12? I don't like to purchase now a full version of 11 and after 2-3 months I would need to upgrade. Which means an overall cost of about 130 EUR. Annual license model is not an option for me.
  2. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi tomtom1,

    You will be able to use two versions of Parallels Desktop on macOS Sierra after its official release. Currently, we don't have any information about new Parallels Desktop upgrade and associated offers.

    Ajith M.
  3. Hello Ajith,

    thanks for the information. Just that I get it right: Parallels Desktop 11 will run on macOS Sierra? Thats good news. Please confirm. Thanks in advance.
  4. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi tomtom1,

    You will be able to use Parallels Desktop for Mac 11 Standard and Pro edition with macOS Sierra. Our engineers are at work now in the beta, but you will be able to use these two versions of Parallels Desktop for Mac with Sierra shortly after when Apple releases its new OS to the public.

    Ajith M.
  5. Thanks for the confirmation. Just purchased a copy.
  6. Bibi Fricotin

    Bibi Fricotin Member

    What about Parallels 10 ?
  7. Guna@Parallels

    Guna@Parallels Parallels Support

    That's a fantastic news! Feel free to reach us for further assistance
  8. Guna@Parallels

    Guna@Parallels Parallels Support

    Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac is not compatible with macOS Sierra. You may consider upgrading to Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac.
  9. rlhamil

    rlhamil Junior Member

    Any chance of running a public Sierra beta as a guest (under El Capitan host) with 11? IMO, those that don't have a spare machine (or external disk) would probably like to do that.
  10. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi rlhamil,

    As many other software vendors, Parallels development team is looking to make the required tweaks to make sure you can run your virtual machines on Mac OS Sierra, as well as install Mac OS X Sierra in a virtual machine. Stay tuned for more updates.

    Ajith M.
  11. milleron

    milleron Member

    Please remember that this report is purely anecdotal.

    I delayed upgrading my iMac 5K from El Capitan to Sierra until macOS 10.12.1 was available -- i.e., I never tired to run Parallels Desktop 11 under Sierra 10.12. As soon as I'd finished the Sierra (again, 10.12.1) upgrade, I encountered instability and system freezing when Parallels was running. This crashing ranged from locking up the whole iMac blocking input from keyboard and mouse, something that I've almost never seen in my 2 years with this computer, to coming out of sleep mode showing nothing but a black screen on both the iMac display and a secondary 4K display with a movable arrow cursor that was rapidly replaced with a movable perpetual beachball, something I'd never seen before.
    Since this is a production machine, I didn't have the time to troubleshoot it further. I hadn't planned on upgrading Desktop 11 because of reports, like those in this thread, that it would work with Sierra, however, I don't mind too much spending $50/year to keep it current because it's critical on my setup. I therefore, did the Desktop 12 upgrade, and the instability vanished immediately. Cause and effect???

    Did an incompatibility between Parallels Desktop 11 (latest build) and macOS Sierra 10.12.1 cause my three hard crashes? I cannot be positive, as I didn't have time to troubleshoot it. Likewise, did the Parallels Desktop 12 upgrade lead to resolution of the crashes? I cannot be sure. Both could have been coincidental. It's not unheard of in the computer world for an upgrade to require more than one reboot to be stable, however, I was still having problems after 3 or 4 reboots.

    Conclusion: I'm suspicious that macOS Sierra 10.12.1 and Desktop 11 could have a serious incompatibility. Again, one is unwise to draw firm conclusions from an anecdotal report, but at the same time, I think it's the better part of valor to report what I experienced in case it happens to other users.
  12. BolekS

    BolekS Bit poster

    I'm having much the same problem. I've just spent some hours with Apple support (fantastic people), and we are pretty sure there's no issue with MacOS. I get the black screen coming out of sleep, two displays also, but I don't get any mouse cursor indication at all. IF U hit the <RETURN> on the keyboard I eventually get a MAcOS login screen. After I log in, the VM has just a small screen and it has the mouse captured, taking a few minutes to release it after the ctrl/alt key combination. I'll look at the Version upgrade shortly ,just going to get by without parallels for a bit to satisfy myself the fault lies with parallels.
    PS: I tried to submit a support request, but once the site decides your support code is not valid there's no getting past it.

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