Performance in Parallels 12.2.0

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PragmaticPraxis, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. PragmaticPraxis

    PragmaticPraxis Bit poster

    Anyone else seeing performance issues with newer versions of Parallels? I have a number of VMs, including Windows 7 and Windows 10, and as of the the update I am seeing VM simply freeze, or slow to a crawl, on a regular basis. Like, multiple times a day. These VMs have become basically unusable.

  2. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

  3. PragmaticPraxis

    PragmaticPraxis Bit poster

    I have followed that best practices, with the one exception that I have two regular use VMs that are stored on my SSD, and optimization is OFF for those as well. I may need to test turning it on and see what happens. But again, none of my settings changed since updating to PD12, but performance has changed, and very recently, in both Windows 7 and Windows 10 VMs, with the VMs on both the SSD and the USB3 HDD. So my thinking is that it has to either be the newest PD build or something with MacOS. But the correlation is strongest with the most recent PD build, not with any changes to the host OS.

    Also, a comment. The recommendations at that link are a bit frustrating. 512Mb of graphics RAM? With Windows 10 and even a 3 year old MBP that is totally inadequate. My expectation honestly is that PD "pro" should be able to handle retina resolutions in the VM with no problems. Ideally the extra cost of PD "pro" would also get us full passthrough GPU functionality (with DX 12 support) when using a machine with dual GPUs, and the ability to assign at least 4GB of graphics RAM when the host machine has the resources. A 2GB limit in 2017 is pretty pedestrian, and not very "pro" at all. The fact that PD "pro" completely ignores OpenCL and CUDA is also an issue.
    I am very excitedly looking forward to what ever iMac Pro and Mac Pro Apple has on offer soon(ish), but if PD can't actually provide a professional level utilization of the hardware I'll be moving to a Bootcamp based workflow. I've been using Parallels Desktop for almost 10 years now, and the last five have been disappointing to say the least. WAY too little focus on real world performance improvements. I guess if PD "pro" is really PD "developer" then all the focus on Cortana integration and such makes sense. But if "pro" is supposed to mean AutoCAD and Revit and ProE and the rest, then there needs to be a LOT more focus on raw performance and hardware utilization. I would pay even more than the current "pro" pricing to have some really performance improvements, but as it stands I don't see any reason to keep using PD at all given where Parallels seems to be going with the product. Which is really a bummer because Autodesk Revit in a Windows 10 VM at retina resolution in coherence COULD be the best Revit experience possible. But performance needs to a lot better than what we have now, especially on the GPU front.
  4. PragmaticPraxis

    PragmaticPraxis Bit poster

    I should add, performance is not just slowed, I am regularly seeing a full on freeze, especially after working on the Mac mode for a while. FWIW, I have Pause Windows when possible turned OFF. The VM is in a window, and I can move the window around. But the windows programs and Windows itself are totally frozen. Program windows won't move or activate, start menu won't open, etc. Oddly, if I Restart with an open file, I DO get an opportunity to save. So it's obviously some sort of bug related to how I am "reactivating" the VM. Moving the mouse into the VM does nothing, but the Parallels menu does. Too bad their isn't a Parallels "action" to reactivate the VM.
  5. James Minnihan

    James Minnihan Member

    Its the Parallels Service hanging in the macOS Sierra side that is causing all these issues. This started with either the latest Parallels 12.2.0 or macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or a combination thereof.
  6. PragmaticPraxis

    PragmaticPraxis Bit poster

    Interesting James. That certainly sounds like what I am experiencing. Any thoughts on a workaround? I tried Suspending, in the hopes that the service would respond when the VM is resumed, but instead Parallels just sat trying to Suspend for 15 minutes. FWIW (for the Parallels team I guess) my Mac memory pressure is all good (green), the VM is only using 40% of the assigned RAM, and the CPU isn't working that hard, at the point where Parallels just freezes. Explain to me again why I am paying extra for a "pro" version, if the POS just fails to work?
  7. James Minnihan

    James Minnihan Member

    Yes, for what I paid to go "pro" I am a very unhappy customer ... should have stayed with v11!

    I sent a real nasty gram to Parallels management per the performance, and 4K display issues (lots of black screens!) with this version. I lost a Windows 10 Pro x64 VM due to their display issue (corrupted my VM's VHD). I tried the latest version of Fusion, and while it seems to have better display support, unfortunately its really, really slow ... Seems like both of these products have been problematic for the last two years.
    BTW, Have you tried using the Apple based hypervisor yet? There's an option in the preferences to use that version instead of Parallels. I REALLY wish Apple would get back to some serious Mac development (and bug fixing) and improve their hypervisor and merge in with Metal graphics and take the lead in this functionality. You'd think a company that has made so many CPU transitions ie. 68000 to PowerPC, PowerPC to Intel x86, etc. would have the wherwithal to do a great job in doing this ...
  8. PragmaticPraxis

    PragmaticPraxis Bit poster

    Yeah, I would LOVE to see a MacOS Pro to go with a new Mac Pro and iMac Pro. With support for external Thunderbolt GPUs, modern graphics APIs, a super solid Apple HyperVisor that supports passthrough GPUs on dual graphics machines, and an Apple VM host to rival Microsoft's HyperV. I would kick Parallels to the curb in a heartbeat, and pay Apple a few hundred $ a year for the privilege. Pro software is worth extra money when it isn't a stinking pile of cynical junk. Parallels has been putting more and more lipstick on their gamer focused pig for years. I paid the extra for Pro because I thought they might actually improve performance and stability given the extra income. No, they just pocketed the money and continued with half assed junk. No renewal for me. Or at least, no renewal for me without some changes in how PD Pro is done in the VERY near future. Not holding my breath.
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
  9. PragmaticPraxis

    PragmaticPraxis Bit poster

    So, nothing from Parallels on this? That is more than a little disappointing for a professional app. Or am I supposed to pay even more to get SUPPORT to go with my already paid extra "pro" app?

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