Parallel Tools breaks my IE

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Marcosi, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. Marcosi

    Marcosi Bit poster

    I have Parallels Desktop 13.0.1 on my Macbook Pro with macOS High Sierra. When I now install Windows Pro 7, 32 bit and after installing Parallel Tools it breaks Internet Explorer 11 on the Windows. I need Windows 32 bit for my old applications.
  2. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Hello @Marcosi , please let us know if you are getting any error message when using Internet Explorer.

    Thanks, Alfena
  3. Marcosi

    Marcosi Bit poster

    My Windows 7 is completely clean and the first I install is Parallels Tools. Parallels Tools then breaks Internet Explorer 11 with showing a box as attached.

    Under the box this is the error>
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: iexplore.exe
    Application Version: 11.0.9600.18792
    Application Timestamp: 59906b79
    Fault Module Name: IEFRAME.dll
    Fault Module Version: 11.0.9600.18793
    Fault Module Timestamp: 5992fdd3
    Exception Code: c00000fd
    Exception Offset: 00011ac5
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 2057
    Additional Information 1: d02e
    Additional Information 2: d02eb704a2e4175a7ccf195983bc0a5d
    Additional Information 3: 360d
    Additional Information 4: 360dd5ebf00ce993dedec19006938bb6

    Read our privacy statement online:

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    I need windows 7 32 but in my work so I need a solution a.s.a.p.


    Attached Files:

    PeterB18 likes this.
  4. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @Marcosi , please check this Microsoft article and let us know if that works.
  5. Marcosi

    Marcosi Bit poster

    It doesn't work.

    Attached Files:

    PeterB18 likes this.
  6. Marcosi

    Marcosi Bit poster

    I contacted support and hope for some help there.
  7. PeterB18

    PeterB18 Bit poster

    same here. the only thing that helps is to uninstall parallels tool. i do not have any third party plugins. i also tried msconfig und deselect all services non microsoft except parallels, same issue. i deselected parallels too, same issue. i uninstalled parallels tools, ie is working fine. same on version 12 and 13. windows is up to dat e btw.
  8. Marcosi

    Marcosi Bit poster

    I have Parallels Desktop 13 latest version. This was the solution for me:
    • When Windows virtual machine is launched, enter Coherence view mode by going to View > Enter Coherence.
    • Launch Internet Explorer > right click the panel on top of it > disable Show tabs on a separate row option.
    • Exit Coherence and switch to your regular view mode.
    DouglasH3 likes this.
  9. RobertP13

    RobertP13 Junior Member

    Actually it seems that latest version of Parallels Desktop breaks Internet Explorer in Windows 7, regardless MacOS version (using two computers one with Sierra and second with High Sierra) and Windows 7 version (32bit, 64bit, VM or boot camped). In each scenario You just cannot start Internet Explorer if Your Mac is connected via wireless. Once You connected to Ethernet everything works normal. It seems that driver in Parallels Tools works improperly.
    It is definitely Parallels and not Microsoft problem.
  10. DouglasH3

    DouglasH3 Bit poster

    Thanks -- this worked for me.
    I'm on Parallels Desktop 12 and Internet Explorer was crashing when launching.
    Searched the web and tried everything until entering Coherence mode.
    However, when exiting Coherence view IE 11 crashed again so just left it in Coherence mode.
  11. MatthewE3

    MatthewE3 Bit poster

    I can also confirm the error and the work around is to run in Coherence mode.
    Parallels Desktop 13.1.0 (431108) running Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 - trying to launch IE 11.0.9600.18792
    If I run Windows with the Parallels Tools installed by Parallels Desktop 13 - IE will not work. It will only run in Coherence mode.
    If I run Windows with the Parallels Tools un-installed - IE will work.
    This is not a Windows 7 OS issue - this a Parallels Tools software issue.
  12. MatthewE3

    MatthewE3 Bit poster

    Doing some more testing ....
    I can also confirm that if you turn WiFi off - and only run ethernet - it works - IE launches and runs.
    Changing the Configuration of the VM - Network - Source - I change from Default Adapter to WiFi. Running the VM with this setting allowed IE to work.
    Restarted several times and tested ethernet connected and WiFi off and ethernet off and WiFi connected.
    I now have the Network - Source - set to Default Adapter and I cannot get IE to fail now. Not sure what has happened - but I cannot get IE to fail now.

    Try playing with the Network - Source for your configuration as see if this resolves it. Leave a comment if it does.
  13. Marcosi

    Marcosi Bit poster

    I also have a problem with Mac keyboard not working properly and after just paying for an upgrade I got this reply:

    The product Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition support is not covered by the Support contract you have.
    Please check your Parallels account for available support options or purchase support.​

    I am in the IT e-commerce business sine 10 years and Parallels support and customers service (that's why I use Parallels Desktop) is one of the worst I have experienced.
  14. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @DouglasH3, some of 3rd-party applications installed on your Virtual Machine causes this problem.
    Please backup the .pvm file and, to fix the issue, please follow the steps mentioned in the article
    1. Click on Start > type "msconfig" (without quotes) in the search field and press the Enter key.
    2. In the General. tab > Select "Selective startup".
    3. In 'Startup' and 'Services' Tabs tick 'Hide all Microsoft services' and Disable all non-Microsoft applications from the list, except Parallels.
    4. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'
    5. Restart the Windows and check the issue.

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