Recent Parallels update breaks 10.6.8 server compatibility

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by RyanB1, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. RyanB1

    RyanB1 Bit poster

    Version 13.1.0 (43108)

    Previously working 10.6.8 Server VM boots in new version of Parallels but keyboard control is non-present. Tools installed. Can't even turn the VM off now.

    Mac OS 10.12.6, 2016 Retina.
  2. eweri

    eweri Bit poster

    Same for me with Parallels 13.1 and Mac OS 10.8.5 guest os. Filed a support request

    BTW: Maybe you can switch off the guest via ssh or vnc?
  3. YuriA

    YuriA Bit poster

    After last update stop sharing my mac Desktop folder with linux VM.

    For solve just reinstall the parallels tools.. and works..!!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
  4. GregS9

    GregS9 Bit poster

    I'm seeing the same problem. No keyboard or mouse for 10.6.8 server within Parallels 13.0.1 (I'm running the trial and don't want to purchase it until I know it actually works...)
  5. ArtC

    ArtC Bit poster

    Same issue here. No mouse control since 13.1 update. Mouse pointer disappears from screen. All was working great on PD 13.0. I have tried reinstalling Parallels Tools, with no improvement. I might try re-installing PD 13.0 if I don't see a solution soon from the message I sent support.
  6. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hi All, We are aware of this issue. We request you to follow the steps suggested below :
    1. Start the virtual machine.
    2. From the top menu bar use Actions > Suspend.
    3. Resume the virtual machine using Actions menu or by pressing Play icon in the Control Center.
    To know more, Please follow and subscribe to our newsletter. Thanks!
  7. ArtC

    ArtC Bit poster

    I just tried this a few times and it does not work. I had downgraded my install to 13.0 and the issue with the mouse pointer disappearing still happens, even though 13.0 worked previously. I tried to above Suspend/Resume while still on 13.0 with no improvement. Then I did the update to 13.1 and it still did not work.
  8. ArtC

    ArtC Bit poster

    Here is a workaround. I connected a USB mouse and manually selected it from the Devices menu. This gave me mouse control, but the pointer was invisible. It took a while, but I finally was able to get to System Preferences/Universal Access and then I increased the mouse pointer size until it suddenly became visible. This was a bit over half way on the scale, which makes a really large pointer. It works, but I have to carry around a mouse with my laptop for now.
  9. ColinL3

    ColinL3 Bit poster

    Confirming same issue here with v13.1 / Snow leopard - workarounds proposed did not work - No mice or keyboard input available
    Reverting to v13.0.1 - still same problem
    Reinstalled v12.2 and all is working fine.

    The v13 I used is the Pro / subscription
    Does the v13 Home/Student have the same issues?
  10. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Hi all, sorry for giving you troubles. The problem will be fixed soon. Thank you for you patience.
  11. RyanB1

    RyanB1 Bit poster

    If I boot into a Windows VM and then shutdown, then resume the 10.6.8 VM the keyboard works. If I shutdown that VM and Parallels, then relaunch, same issue.
  12. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We appreciate that you found a workaround. Our developers are working on this issue which will be fixed soon.
  13. ArtC

    ArtC Bit poster

    I was using the external mouse workaround above, but there were still issues with the mouse disappearing when passed over certain objects, especially text input fields. I tried reinstalling 13.0, but same issues (mouse invisible). I had to reinstall 12.2.1 and now all is working again.
  14. MichaelH24

    MichaelH24 Bit poster

    Ok, pretty much the same thing for me. Running OSX 10.6.8 Server as a guest. Operating system is Sierra 10.12.6. Initial tools installation in 13 worked without issue (I think this was 13.0.1). The problem is that the next automatic installation of the tools made the mouse and keyboard unusable. The workaround I was given was to suspend the guest and relaunch it several times and after the 3rd or 4th time mouse and keyboard appeared to work ok. In the meantime the latest tools update loaded automatically and the keyboard and mouse still worked but the guest had no access to anything on the Mac operating system. No drag and drop either. Dynamic screen resolution did not work and only one resolution (very large and ugly on my retina monitor) was available. I am glad I had a Snapshot of the original 13 installation even though the new tools kept installing and breaking the guest.

    I closed out the guest, went into the VM and edited the autoupdate to make it stop updating ( I reinstalled the original 13.0 tools by pulling them out of my backup in Time Machine and reinstalling them in the guest using the older iso file (/Applications/Parallels You have to use Option click to view the contents. Everything seems to be working ok again after several restarts. So my question is how can every update of 13 tools make the OSX guest less and less usable. With the latest update I am unable to use the OSX Guest, period. The reverted 13 installation seems to work fine.

    I'm having no issue with the latest tools in the Windows 7 guest used on the same mac.
  15. MichaelB30

    MichaelB30 Bit poster

    I have had the same keyboard issue. The keyboard works mostly, but then suddenly it will not type in either the VM or the Main MacOS (I am using 10.11). I have to suspend or quit the 10.6.8 server to make the keyboard come back alive.
    Also I cannot view jpgs in Preview in 10.6.8 Guest. Fix that too.

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