Fedora 27 Released

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Mark Fine, Nov 18, 2017.

  1. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Just wondering if there's a timeline for it to be supported in Parallels 12...
  2. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello @Mark Fine Yes, as of now we will support Parallels Desktop 12. Normally, we will support three version of Parallels. Now we will support version 11, 12 and 13. If the next version gets released. Parallels Desktop 11 will goes to End-Of-Life this how it works. Thanks, Shathish
  3. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I'm confused. It sounds like you think that I asked if you will continue to support Parallels 12.

    However as the subject implied, Fedora 27 was just released on 14 Nov.
    What I was trying to ask is when you plan to support Fedora 27 within Parallels 12, and I guess, Parallels 13.

    The list of supported guest systems for Parallels 13 only goes up to Fedora 22. That surely can't be right (Copy/paste error on https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/resources/ ?).
  4. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello @Mark Fine Fedora 27 will not support in Parallels Desktop 12 as well 13. Sorry for the inconvenience happen to you.
  5. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    Ugh... we clearly have a communication problem here.

    If you don't know the answer or don't understand my question, don't bother. Please just wait for someone there who does.
  6. Hemnath@Parallels

    Hemnath@Parallels Parallels Support

    At this time, Fedora 27 is not supported by Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac. We are constantly working on extending the list of supported guest OS's. All OS's that are currently supported by Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac are listed here: http://kb.parallels.com/123893
    Whenever there is an addition to the supported guest OS's, the article will be updated. You may want to subscribe to this article to be notified on the additions to the list. Thanks.
  7. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I know for a fact that Parallels 12 (and 13) support Fedora 26, yet I see the User Guide for Parallels 13 states its been retrograded to Fedora 24 (see below). The kb article for Parallels 13 says 26 (also see below. I had to hunt for it - you didn't provide it). The kb article you directed me for Parallels 12 incorrectly states it provides support through Fedora 22 and was never properly updated despite the 16 Aug 2017 review date.

    This support issue has been the subject of a tremendous amount of confusion on this board for several years and it continues to frustrate everyone to no end.

    Might I recommend that if you're going to blindly direct me to a kb post showing what guest OSs are currently supported, please make sure it's not inaccurate from several years of cut/paste jobs and neglect, and includes all of the versions of Parallels I requested. My goal is to upgrade the Linux OS in the VM using whatever version of Parallels will support it, not test your knowledge of what is and what isn't supported and where to find it.

    By continuing to give me inaccurate and incomplete information, you're still not answering my question of when Fedora 27 is going to be supported so I can plan to update my guest OS. It's not a trick question and again, I'm not trying to test you. Telling me to constantly check a kb article that is not only hard to find, but I have zero faith will be updated (as I've proven above) is not a helpful answer.

    You have a good product and I've been a user since Parallels 3. I've been a solid advocate for it here, as well as outside this forum. However, I may have to cancel my subscription (or let it run out) and find another solution because you seem to keep telling me incorrectly and inconsistently that you only support versions of Linux that will be soon past their End of Life. I know for a fact that's not true, so why is this so hard?

    Better yet, where's @rkulikov? He always knows what's going on.

    Parallels 13 kb article:

    User Guide:
  8. HeikkiL

    HeikkiL Member

    I just PM'd him, let's hope he can give us some actual information regarding Fedora 27. I'd also like to know.
    Mark Fine likes this.
  9. rkulikov

    rkulikov Parallels Developers

    Regarding Fedora 27. It is not officially supported neither in Parallels Desktop 12 nor in Parallels Desktop 13.
    Fedora 26 is not supported in Parallels Desktop 12 but is supported in version 13.
    Despite the lack of official support both 26 and 27 versions do work in both PD 12 and 13 at the moment. Moreover Parallels Tools are ok too there.

    But I should note that if distro is not supported in the product this means that, besides other things, we just don't test such configuration. Also this means that even if everything works ok at the moment some future distro update (like kernel or Xorg, especially in Fedora) may break things.
    Mark Fine and HeikkiL like this.
  10. HeikkiL

    HeikkiL Member

    Thank you, rkulikov. I really appreciate this. Finally something concrete, straight and to the point.
    Mark Fine likes this.
  11. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    I thought back when we got F26 working in P12 it was officially supported. I stand corrected.
    As for F27 working... that's excellent news. Now I know I can at least upgrade from a copy of F26 and stay ahead of the game.
    I appreciate your honesty (as always) regarding the rest.

    Thank you so much, @rkulikov!

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