Speed Issues and Black Screens

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by SandyG1, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    Hi there. Anyone experiencing poor performance in windows since recent updates. Also i am finding sometimes when windows seems to hang, and I minimize an app, the screen goes black when I maximize it again. Only resolution I have found is to reboot to improve the speed and have to Reset to rid myself of the black screen.

    I am not running dozens of applications, and I am doing nothing different than I was two months ago. The annoying thing is I was running a client demo the other day and windows just suddenly started to go slow, like really slow. Had to reboot in front of the client
  2. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

  3. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    Thanks for this, been through the article and everything is ok. As i pointed out this is a new issue. VM has been working fine for 2 years. Also the following is not visible in configuration
    VM > open its configuration > switch to Options tab > Optimization > Set performance to Faster virtual machine and enable Tune Windows for speed. You can also turn on the Better performance option under 'Power', but this may consume more battery.
  4. DaxA

    DaxA Bit poster

    I'm having the same exact issue. It's become painfully slow and almost unusable after recent updates. This is a problem because I I use it for work daily so I have to consider switching :(
  5. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    My reply to Parallels on Nov 2 still hasn't been responded to.
    My setup is correct and has been for years, but since the last update speed is a problem.
    I am still having the same issue, speed essential grinds to a standstill. It is like watching a slow-motion film. Frustrating is an understatement
  6. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Guys, could you check if Windows is installing updates? You can launch Task Manager and take a look at Windows Module Installer. If it work then there is the problem. Also there is antivirus process which works in pairs. I have same issue in my Windows virtual machines often too and it is the root cause for it in my case.
  7. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    @alexg, thanks for your input. Updates not running. Its just totally frustrating. Parallels has been open all day today without doing anything active within windows. Just a test to see what would happen. Occasional test and it was working fine. then another test and the fan starts spinning like the blades on an Apache helicopter....so i know it will be slow so slow. Have found most times as soon as you ask windows to do anything it just trips on itself. I typically have to shut down my mac and reboot. Its a pain, as windows doesn't load that fast even with all the so-called % improvements. Still nothing from @parallels
  8. JayA4

    JayA4 Bit poster

    Yep, me too to all of the above.
  9. NeilS8

    NeilS8 Bit poster

    Something is going on...I just installed Parallels Desktop on a buddy's Mac with Windows 10. The Mac has hardly anything installed on it, fresh install of Parallels and Windows. It is slooowwwww. He has newer and better hardware than my personal machine, settings appear to be identical. I can't understand it.
  10. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello @NeilS8 You're Mac computer itself very slow or Windows virtual machine? If the virtual machine means, please share the virtual machine configuration settings. How much RAM and Processor you allocated for the Windows? Please refer this link and check it helps. Thanks, Shathish
  11. NeilS8

    NeilS8 Bit poster

    2 processors, 4096mb memory and 1GB memory for Graphics. The entire mac was slow. However, I didn't have Parallels Tools installed. I remembered that reinstalling it solved some problem I previously had on my personal machine. I installed Tools on buddies machine, it seems to be running properly now. I will report back if further issues surface.

    I would like to understand what Tools does for the overall installation if someone could go into that.
  12. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

  13. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    @Shathish@Parallels. Please see my previous posts on this thread. I have just had another issue in front of my colleagues when my Mac slowed down to a standstill and it was doing nothing in the mac os only running Visual Studio and Chrome in Windows 10. This is something i have done for years without issue. Please, why is my machine running slow on a periodical basis. Please can i get a response from @parallels. as far as i am concerned everything in settings is good and checked against http://kb.parallels.com/112091. Please help
    LarryR3 likes this.
  14. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Hi Guys, by default virtual machine configured for best performance. There is no silver bullet to increase the speed in times. It is not possible. No... switching from HDD to SSD do that. Never mind. So, if your virtual machine start run slowly then the reason inside guest. Not too many chances it is because of misconfigurations or something like that. No. Main reason is the process inside the guest. Need to take a look at Activity Monitor and check how much CPU eats Windows 10 process. Then, if if 100 or greater look at Task Manager inside Windows. What the processes eats the CPU? In many cases it is Window Update, Windows Modules Installer, Antimalware Service Executable or Microsoft One Drive setup. By the way, those processes activate upon Windows 10 fresh install. Just give them some time to do their work.

    Attached Files:

  15. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    Thanks @alexg but as stated this is a new occurance. I am running the same processing as I have been doing for over 2 years. I use VM simply for Visual Studio and MSSQL and the tasks are no different to how they were 2 months ago. So something is wrong. I am not trying to make the machine run faster, i am just trying to get the machine to run like it was 2 months ago.
  16. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    SandyG1, did you use Parallels Desktop 12 or it is Parallels Desktop 13 what suddenly just start run slowly?
  17. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    @alexg Desktop 13. It can be so obvious there is an issue. As soon as the VM boots up and open Visual Studio the fan spins at full speed. All that is running is the Visual Studio UI
  18. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    And Visual Studio eats 100% CPU in Task Manager, right?
  19. SandyG1

    SandyG1 Member

    @alexg. Yes sometimes it can be that bad. And it has only loaded up the home screen of Visual Studio. I haven't at this point started to run any code
    In fact the fan starts to be stressed just by opening the VM sometimes
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  20. LarryR3

    LarryR3 Bit poster

    I'm having a similiar issue. Was never like this in v.12 but since I've updated to 13 everythings gone to crap.
    SandyG1 likes this.

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