Unable to request a trial key

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by CirrusW, May 28, 2014.

  1. CirrusW

    CirrusW Bit poster

  2. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

  3. CirrusW

    CirrusW Bit poster

    Dear Sir,
    I try again to follow the steps from article http://kb.parallels.com/116845.
    I make sure about Capital letters (uppercase) in email address follow the instructions suggested at http://kb.parallels.com/121072

    It was successfully activated.
    I truly appreciate your help in resolving the problem,
    Cirrus Wu.
  4. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi CirrusW,

    It's great to hear that your issue has been fixed and you were able to work on it without any issues.

    Feel free to get back to us if you need any assistance.
  5. ManojK1

    ManojK1 Bit poster

    Hello Parallels Support, I have snow leopard (OX 10.6.8) and trying to install Parallel desktop 9 trial version. When I click on Get Trial, an error message comes "Unable to request a trial key. Please check your network connection and try again" . Please help me.
  6. ManojK@Parallels

    ManojK@Parallels Parallels Support

    You can request a trial for the latest version of Parallels Desktop (i.e) Parallels Desktop 11. You can get a trial version of Parallels Desktop 11 from http://kb.parallels.com/123273 once you have upgraded your Mac OS X to 10.9.5 or higher as it is the minimal version of OSX required for running Parallels desktop 11 as per http://kb.parallels.com/123276
  7. eduardoa1

    eduardoa1 Bit poster

    I have OS X 10.8.5 (mountain lion) so i downloaded and installed parallels desktop 10 business edition but i cannot get trial key.
    I raised support ticket #2203027 without correct response.
    I received feedback for 11 version. Please your help
  8. ManojK@Parallels

    ManojK@Parallels Parallels Support

    You can request a trial only for the latest version of Parallels Desktop (i.e) Parallels Desktop 11. You can get a trial version of Parallels Desktop 11 from http://kb.parallels.com/123273 once you have upgraded your Mac OS X to 10.9.5 or higher as it is the minimal version of OSX required for running Parallels desktop 11 as per http://kb.parallels.com/123276
  9. SabineS1

    SabineS1 Bit poster

    Hello Parallels Support,

    I have installed Parallels version 9 and 10 and it is not possible for any of them to request a free trial. It comes up with the message: Unable to request trial key. I have already created an account and confirm the account as well without any results to the request of trial. I have not installed Parallels version 13, because I am having OS X version 10.9.5 installed on my Mac (and without the possibility to upgrade due to the age of the computer).
    Can you please help me how to receive an activation key?
    Thank you so much in advance.

    Attached Files:

  10. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello SabineS1, the trial version is available only for the latest version ie Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac. Unfortunately, we do not have the option to provide the trial version of Parallels Desktop 9 or Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac. Thanks!
  11. qu$er

    qu$er Bit poster

  12. Meenakshi@Parallels

    Meenakshi@Parallels Pro

    Hello qu$er, we have an ongoing issue on our end in trial activation and it has been already notified to the concerned team and we are working on it. Thanks!

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