VM suspended on Shut Down

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by GerhardG2, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    I just installed 13.3.0 which was supposed to fix an issue 342253 where the VM is not shut down on shut down but rather only suspended. The issue still exists.

    I start Parallels one my Mac (High Sierra), and instead of getting the Control Center I get the last used VM start screen. I close the VM then I can select the VM from the Control Center.

    When I am done in Windows I select shut down on the VM, which "closes" windows and also closes Parallels. But again, upon starting Parallels the next time it first shows the previously used VM.

    Screen shot 1 shows the VM settings I use. Screen shot 2 shows what I select to shut down the VM. Screen shot 3 is what I get even before the Control Center is displayed. And Screen shot 4 is my Control Center setup.

    This is really annoying and from what I understand the suspended VM is still using Mac resources.

    Attached Files:

  2. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    I can't believe that nobody else is having this issue.

    The problem seems to be the "On VM Shutdown" setting. After I changed it to "Close window", I don't get the previously used VM screen anymore, but manually have to quit Parallels.

    Can somebody from tech support have a look what's going on? After we already can have Parallels shutdown together with the VM it also should work correctly.
  3. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    I completely deleted Parallels then reinstalled latest version 13.3.0. But I still have the same error.

    I am disappointed that I have not gotten any reply or suggestion from tech. support.
  4. wqdqdq

    wqdqdq Bit poster

    I solved it by updating the direct x.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2018
  5. Hemnath@Parallels

    Hemnath@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hello GerhardG2. At the moment of quitting Parallels Desktop application, Parallels Desktop "records" the last state of the VM or Control Center window, and simply resumes that "state" the next time it's started up. If you don't want to see the VM window upon starting Parallels Desktop, then, after shutting Windows down and before quitting Parallels Desktop, close the VM window and bring up the Control Center window. Now, with just the Control Center window displayed on the screen, quit Parallels Desktop. After this, you'll get only the Control Center window appearing on the screen whenever Parallels Desktop is launched.

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