Unable to install Parallels Tools with Installer

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by MartinB15, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. MartinB15

    MartinB15 Junior Member

    aaaaand still no word...not even an E.T.A.....
  2. MartinB15

    MartinB15 Junior Member

    and still nothing....
  3. chienpo

    chienpo Bit poster

    Wow, I come back a _month_ later and it's still just crickets! Just give us some kind of status report or better yet, some kind of _rough_ E.T.A.
    Or heck, just say "hi" and commiserate with us. Just _something_!
    It looks like other people have independently developed patches for Parallels Tools so it can work with newer kernels so it can't be _that_ hard.
    MartinB15 likes this.

    RAILITYL Member

    Thank you for the report provided. I've forwarded it to our development team for deeper investigation. Will let you know as soon as I get any feedback.
    Last edited: May 10, 2019
  5. MartinB15

    MartinB15 Junior Member

  6. MartinB15

    MartinB15 Junior Member

    just to remember, this is STILL and issue. its STILL IMPOSSIBLE to use the software. You pay FULL PRICE and it just doesnt work. its not a minor bug, the whole system does not work and since month and months nobody takes care nor gives out any informations....that really suxx.

    maybe somebody should move that to reddit or something.
  7. chienpo

    chienpo Bit poster

    Ping. Willing yet to at least _tell_ us what's going on with Parallels Tools?
  8. I was following this guide : https://kb.parallels.com/en/123968.
    After my Kali VM was unable to reboot : blocked on "resuming from hibernation".
    Is there anybody on Parallel desktop team able to explain what can i do ?
  9. victoriaaaaa702

    victoriaaaaa702 Bit poster

    I've been having the same issue.. I only get the error for the PRINTER.DRIVERS.POSTSCRIPT.HP driver error. I'm using an older version of Parallels (11.2.3) with Kali 2019.2

    Soooo...Yea..We need help... Can you please give your costumers some actual support? Or can you not figure this bull shit out either? I would rather not have to run through VMware or VirtualBox.. Its kind of ridiculous that your Parallels Tools for Linux..doesn't work for Linux, and that theres no official support for this because from looking at the comments on this thread..theres A LOT of people trying to figure out this exact same exact issue..or workaround it.

  10. chienpo

    chienpo Bit poster

    As someone pointed out in another thread, Parallels was purchased last December by Corel... and Corel was recently acquired by "global investment equity firm KKR" ... and it appears as part of this transition (while they figure out what they actually want to _do_ with Parallels) support is... on life support. I'm feeling pretty pessimistically that Parallels is dead.

    We should all be figuring out which alternative (VMware vs. VirtualBox) is better and migrate.
    ParaKitty likes this.
  11. Rogueshoten

    Rogueshoten Bit poster

    This has been a problem for years and years; why Parallels support pretends that this is news to them is entirely beyond me. Does Parallels block Google on their internal network? That seems to be the only reason I can imagine for why this issue would plague people for so many years, with the same advice being given out (which never worked) again and again.
  12. jm_2

    jm_2 Bit poster

    Hi, this still seems to be an issue, has there been any progress resolving ?
  13. EvgeniG


    in case anyone still experiencing the same issue, found solution here (link)
    just follow steps in "Preparation" and start installing parallels tools. worked for me on Debian 12.

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