Keyboard mapping for End/Home keys in Windows 10

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AndrewJ7, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. AndrewJ7

    AndrewJ7 Member

    I use a Logitech K850 full size keyboard which has a the normal alphameric keys section, an arrows/navigation section, then the numeric keypad. The navigation section has arrow keys, Home, End, Delete, Insert etc. In Mac apps, pressing End moves the cursor to the end of a line; Home moves it to the beginning of a line. I have a lot of muscle memory for these keys.

    In Windows, pressing End docs an application window to the right hand side of the screen; Home docks it to the left. I've lost count of the number of times I've pressed one of these keys to move to the end of a line only to shift the whole window - which I then have to resize and reposition.

    Is there a way of changing this behaviour? I'd rather the docking feature was linked to keys such as Option+Arrow key (as an example)?
  2. AndrewJ7

    AndrewJ7 Member

    Got this worked out with a Virtual Machine keyboard mapping. That does change the functionality of Windows-Right Arrow and Windows-Left Arrow as well to End and Home respectively so the keyboard shortcut is lost in Windows and I would need to resort to dragging the window if I wanted to snap to an edge.
  3. DimitrisS1

    DimitrisS1 Bit poster

    I read your post after I found the solution (after a lot of fruitless searching, including tweeting to Parallels Support). I'll add just a few more keywords for the benefit of other searchers: fn key + → (right arrow) or ← (left arrow).
    See also screenshot (it's the bottom two mappings).

    Attached Files:

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