Parallels 16 upgrade issues - multiple problems, dont upgrade!

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by WarrenH3, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. WarrenH3

    WarrenH3 Junior Member

    I received a notice today to upgrade for free to parallels 16. What a mistake to be the first. Here are all the issues so I far I have encountered and am stuck without an operating system now! I am on Mac OS 10.15.6 catalina. Parallels needs an update set of instructions!!

    1) Install - wont install because of security. I right click and try to open. Still wont install. Tried a few things, didnt work. Hmm, I go into Security and Privacy settings and general, and and see it is blocked, so I allow apps downloaded from parallels. Install works.
    2) Now I start up parallels 16. "The boot camp partition used by hard disk 1 is missing". Great. What to do now? Go to settings, hardware, hard disk and the source is pointed to the partitioned drive with my boot camp partition. WTF??? I read a few forum descriptions how to fix and it is ugly.

    At this point, I want to restore the settings for Parallels 15 and run parallels 15 and let other people figure out how to get 16 to work.

    How do I restore the parallels 15 settings? I have time machine,

    Many thanks for helpers!
    ||xplorer likes this.
  2. WarrenH3

    WarrenH3 Junior Member

    So I went into time machine and restored the parallels pvm from the documents folder and same issue. Then I restored parallels 15 and everything is back the way it was. So DONT upgrade to parallels 16 until they can make it work.
    johngrins likes this.
  3. Dott.V

    Dott.V Bit poster

    Yesterday I installed Parallels Desktop 16 Pro on macOS Catalina 10.15.6 and Parallels Desktop 16 crashes right after Windows starts. I have Windows 10 Pro version, latest build, perfectly update and very stable in Parallels Desktop 15 Pro.
    I've tried installing PD 16 several times, clearing preferences, etc. with the same bad result.
    Important! Note that even if PD 16 crashes, it still remains active in background and visible in the Activity Monitor and to reinstall or reinstall PD 15 it must first be forced to quit from here!
    [I am an experienced Mac user and have known and used Parallels Desktop since the earliest versions.]
    ||xplorer and KrzysztofO like this.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, please collect the tech report once the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here.
  5. KorkyPlunger

    KorkyPlunger Hunter

    Hello @Maria@Parallels. I am not the original poster, but I had the same issue after upgrading.

    • My VM was shutdown
    • I started parallels, and it asked me to upgrade from PD15 to PD16. I accepted. The upgrade completed.
    • Parallels launched, and it started up my default VM
    • During startup of Windows in the VM, the parallels state changed to "stopping VM" and I received a MacOS notification that prl_vm_app (I believe that's the executable name) had crashed.
    • I filed technical report #347157904 and included the details of the crash from the MacOS crash report dialog.
    Upon second launch of the VM it started up with no issues. Seems to be working ok now, but I've only been in it for 30 minutes or so.

    Hope that helps
  6. KorkyPlunger

    KorkyPlunger Hunter

    Update: I was unable to suspend the VM. Filed technical report 347173386
  7. RaffaeleD1

    RaffaeleD1 Junior Member

    I updated yesterday to 16... I need parallel desktop to use SOLIDWORKS 2020. Although overall graphics performance are really better, there is a very big problem with SKETCHES... lines are too much thin, it's impossible to distinguish from construction line and it's IMPOSSIBLE TO DRAW a SPLINE (to better explain the problem see attached image).

    I Hope you can solve as soon as possible the problem. In the meanwhile I MUST downgrade to parallel 15 using time machine.

    Thank You

    Attached Files:

    AndreaB16, RyanM21, LarryB7 and 2 others like this.
  8. Dott.V

    Dott.V Bit poster

    Hello Maria! To help Parallels Desktop 16 staff, I have sent all detailed crash logs generated by PD 16 in case of a crash using the Parallels Desktop module that appears after closing the Windows 10 VM via the Activity utility and trying to restart PD 16 which will continue to crash, more or less immediately.
    This in attach (PD16_crach.txt) is one of the crash logs.
    Good job :)

    Attached Files:

  9. WarrenH3

    WarrenH3 Junior Member

    I contacted support with my issue that parallels 16 did not recognize my external drive boot camp partition but parallels 15 did. The response boggled my mind - was told dont use an external boot camp partition! No attempt to identify and fix the issue!! Thats like bringing a car with issues to the dealer and being told to get a new car! Looks like its time to miigrate to VMWare Fusion....or at least wait a while and if not fixed, time to move...
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, thanks a lot for the provided info. We've also received your email.
    We will check it and investigate with the Parallels Engineering Team
  11. MarkC42

    MarkC42 Bit poster

    Same issue here using Siemens NX - unusable moved back to Parallels 15 - please notify when this is fixed
  12. Leaving_Parallels

    Leaving_Parallels Bit poster

    I also made the mistake to try to upgrade to Parallels 16. It did not work well.
    1) I get an error: "An error has occurred while updating Parallels Tools".
    2) I also get an error: "Windows cannot access \\Mac\Home\Desktop".
    3) When Parallels is started the curser disappears as soon as it moves in over the "parallel window". The curser reappears when it is outside the parallel window.
    The tips I got from Parallels was not helping at all. I will also try to get back to version 15.
    If anyone has any ideas how to solve these problems I'd really appreciate it.
  13. Leaving_Parallels

    Leaving_Parallels Bit poster

    Damn, now I get the same errors in Parallel version 15. What did the installation of version 16 mess up? Good thing I have backup on Time Machine. (Funny: The only times I've needed Time Machine is after installing/upgrading Parallels.)
    johngrins likes this.
  14. AdamC18

    AdamC18 Bit poster

    I just upgraded and getting the USER MAC error. When I try and access a folder from a reporting software that error pops up
  15. JimT10

    JimT10 Bit poster

    I have the same issue with Parallels 16 and sketches in Solidworks 2017 that RafaeleD1 described above. I have some helpful info, but not really a fix - maybe someone more knowledgable can turn it into one though..

    Many Solidworks users who run SW on parallels have uhh.. done that thing where you point SW to your graphics card so it doesn't use your CPU to render everything in your viewport, basically making SW unusable. (The example I remember most is the orange lines that appear on part or body edges during mouseover taking forever to appear). It's been years since I last did this but I remember it involve changing something in the registry. A proper description is easy to find with a google search. You can temporarily undo this by (with no parts open) going into Solidworks System Options > Performance > and checking 'Use software OpenGL.' (I do this occasionally to use draft analysis, which gets disabled when you do the above GPU workaround). With 'Use software OpenGL' checked, the sketch line display and spline issues disappear.

    So hopefully there's a solution that fixes both issues, instead of addressing them one and a time. I upgraded to PD 16 from 11, which is incompatible with Mojave / Catalina, which I just upgraded to, so I'll try tracking down a copy of PD 15 in the meantime. Wish me luck.
    AlR5 and RaffaeleD1 like this.
  16. LoveK

    LoveK Member

    Same issue with Solidworks 2020 and sketch lines (especially construction lines).
    I have checked the registry and all the "fixes" is there, if I remove them I get software render only and that is not usable, but the lines are back as they should :/
    This is a Parallels 16 issue in deed. Please fix. Anyone know what they did in PD16 and can we undo it w/o downgrading? Something with the graphics engine I guess.. but what?
    RaffaeleD1 likes this.
  17. LoveK

    LoveK Member

    Solidworks use OpenGL afaik, I found this in the PD blog about PD15:
    Note: Since OpenGL is still in macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina, Windows OpenGL applications still rely on Mac OpenGL, as do Linux 3D applications.
    And this in the blog about PD16:
    Version 16 delivers up to 20% faster DirectX 11 and improved OpenGL graphics support.

    Improved? Destroyed!

    RaffaeleD1 likes this.
  18. KunalP

    KunalP Bit poster


    when is this going to be fixed? or can I reinstall PD 15?

  19. KunalP

    KunalP Bit poster

    its ok - dowloaded and -reinstalled version 15 from the website
    Please let me know when Version 16 has been Fixed!!
    RyanM21 and RaffaeleD1 like this.
  20. wilh1

    wilh1 Bit poster

    agreed, I have also reinstalled version 15 and my lumion works again.
    That is after a day wasted waiting for Parallels support who could only provide brief, ineffective one liners every 5 hours.
    RyanM21 and RaffaeleD1 like this.

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