Finalize the prlctl unpack command line tool

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by jerome2, Aug 28, 2020.

  1. jerome2

    jerome2 Bit poster

    Hi guys,

    I'm using the command line tool on parallels 16.0.0 to automate some tests. One of the think I do is to load parallels compressed machines (pvmp), and unpack them.
    To my surprise, even though the prlctl unpack command works great, it constantly returns an error code, and output this message:
    Failed to unpack virtual machine: Unimplemented. This feature is not implemented yet.
    As it seems to work perfectly (the virtual machine is available, and can be started after the command), I have just ignored that feedback. But it would be interesting to finish the work started on that command, and make it run without error code :).

    Thanks for the work you are doing, the prlctl tool is really cool to use !
    BlessedP and Dmitry@Parallels like this.
  2. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi @jerome2, thank you very much for the feedback! Please tell me, what OS type your virtual machine has? Do you have several VMs with different OS types?
  3. jerome2

    jerome2 Bit poster

    Hi Dmitry,
    I had this problem with a MacOS 10.10.5 machine, hosted on a MacOS 10.15.5.
    I have a collection of VMs including a variety of MacOS versions, one windows, and one linux.
  4. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Thank you for the details! Can you please check if this error message appears when packing a Linux VM?
  5. jerome2

    jerome2 Bit poster

    Good guess: i do not reproduce the problem with my Debian 9 VM.
  6. jerome2

    jerome2 Bit poster

    I should maybe mention that the linux VM also do not split its virtual hard drive split in 2GB files.
    The mac os VM does have this option turned on.
  7. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Thank you very much! This means that we know the reason for this false error and will fix it in future updates. Appreciate your attention to this and cooperation;)
  8. jerome2

    jerome2 Bit poster

    My pleasure, thanks for your reactivity :)

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