Got Win11 ARM for games... but none work

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by BrentonJ, Sep 17, 2021.

  1. BrentonJ

    BrentonJ Bit poster

    Hi, I installed Win11 on my Macbook Air M1 after getting Parallels today, so I could play the games I had on my hard drive. But none of them work. They open, run, and crash after pressing start before seeing the main menu.

    I've installed DirectX11 on my image - still no cigar. Is this something that isn't reasonable at the moment?

    I kinda jumped the gun and purchased parallels before testing if my stuffed worked :/.

    Games are a bunch of Naruto games, Madden, NBA 2k for reference.

    SWANDY Pro

    Games - considering you are emulating Windows 11 using Parallels AND trying to run Windows games on a M1 ARM Mac are going to be touch and go.
    I have gotten two under Steam (Black Mesa - a independent creation based on Half Life - and Bioshock Infinite) to run properly. I have been trying to get Microsoft Links 2003 to run - playing with various settings in the startup properties and in the game itself but so far nothing is stable.
  3. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    lol yea, thats why I buy parallel 17 mostly use it for Everquest & DC universe online

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