Windows 11 Activation Question

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by SWANDY, Oct 7, 2021.

  1. BradB7

    BradB7 Member

    No reason to feel that you "should know this stuff." We're all here to be a supportive community and help each other out as best we can.

    I know I didn't use a download folder, but placed the Zip file (media creation) on the desktop main window and unzipped it there. Then renamed the folder that had the script in it to "Windows11ARMISO" and left it there only Windows desktop. Then I ran that script with a right-click and run within the Windows VM and all compiled right through to the ISO, though it took quite a while for this to happen. My file in the end was called 22000.194.210913-0150.CO_RELEASE_SVC_PROF1_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_A64FRE_EN-US.ISO finishing up at about 6.3 GB in size. I then dragged the file from the VM folder onto the Mac Desktop. From there I could copy to a Flash drive, but only one that was NTFS formatted (I happened to have a 256GB Sandisk handy).

    This was the first step I did for archiving the file. I also put it on the 1TB MS OneDrive. The tricky part after this is that you cannot run that ISO from the drive to install. You MUST follow the steps to make a bootable flash drive with the Tom's Guide instructions because the install will only recognize FAT32 for booting ("How to clean install Windows 11: Create a bootable Install Disk" section of ). You'll need to partition a clean/fresh/new flashdrive as both FAT32 (1 GB) and the remaining part as NTFS for the remaining part of the drive. There are 6 steps to follow for this.

    When you get done here and get to the next section "How to clean install Windows 11: Perform the clean install" you will be asked in step 4 "You many not enter your Windows product Key." The instructions specifically state there "If you have your license key for Windows 10 at hand, type it in, but if not don't worry: you can just click "I don't have a product key" to continue."

    You will want to do all of these steps from within your existing Windows 11 ARM install.

    I think this should work to finish the install. Let me know how this goes.

    SWANDY Pro

    Thanks Brad. I following the directions in the link and made the bootable USB drive for Windows. I havent tried it yet as I see my Windows 11 ARM PRO VM is getting more than virus updates - including this one today which says it is for an ARM based machine: 2021-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for arm64-based Systems (KB5006674). So will probably hold off and see what happens. Or just purchase an Windows 11 PRO key and see what happens.
    BradB7 likes this.
  3. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Curious why you and Brad are making a bootable USB? A new Parallels VM accepts the ISO file direct from the Mac Desktop, and I would have thought a bootable USB would only be useful if you had an actual ARM Windows machine.
  4. BradB7

    BradB7 Member

    @Mike Boreham I was trying to walk @SWANDY through the process. I didn't need to create a bootable flash and didn't. I've been on the latest ARM build since flighting from Windows 10 ARM preview in Parallels. I was trying to give him info on how he might be able to activate and use his Windows 10 Home license to activate his Windows 11 ARM. For myself, I only made an archive of the 20000.194 ARM ISO for myself for archiving purposes (placing it on a non-bootable NTFS formatted flash drive). The Tom's Hardware instructions also work if you want to do a clean install on an ARM device. There are several on here who have non-supported Windows Surface ARM devices too. It was a "just because I could" operation for me...and to show it can be done.
    Mike Boreham likes this.

    SWANDY Pro

    Brad was very helpful. I did as you suggested - just using the ISO but kept coming up with a Windows error message that there were no system files. So I assumed making a bootable USB would work - but then Parallels wouldnt use those files. Also, I was able to purchase a Windows 11 PRO key and my current install (not on the Insider Program any longer) updated to the latest Build that actually said an update for ARM processors and then activate my Windows 11 ARM Parallels installation.
    So might not bother trying to get a HOME edition anyway. Thanks
    Mike Boreham likes this.
  6. BradB7

    BradB7 Member

    @SWANDY FWIW, the updates I got today (that were released yesterday and today) total 3:
    2021-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 11 for ARM64 (KB5005537)
    2021-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for arm64-based Systems (KB5006674)

    and since I didn't update until this morning:
    Security Intelligence Update for Microsoft Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Version 1.351.343.0)

    These brought me up to the following specifications:

    Edition Windows 11 Pro
    Version 21H2
    Installed on ‎6/‎28/‎2021
    OS build 22000.258
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.258.0

    My install is early because of flighting Windows 11 in the Dev and Beta channels as soon as it was available.

    I think you should have been able to use your 10 home code though, provided it wasn't previously used. oh well... I'm glad you got it working.

    SWANDY Pro

    I got all the same updates between last night and this morning and my system information has the same information as yours (except for the date - mine was in August.
    I had previously tried my Windows 10 HOME Key with the Windows 11 PRO ARM from the Insider Program and the message I got from Activation was it was for the wrong version. I posted either here or in another forum and was told I needed a Windows 10 PRO key for it to work. Decided not to try to get a key at that point and just left it un-activated. But after leaving the Insider program and not wanting to wait to see if MS ever makes available a Windows 11 ARM available for purchase, I was able to purchase a Windows 11 PRO key, made a full clone of my existing VM (just incase) and used the PRO Key I purchased and it was accepted and activated.
    If and when our friends at Microsoft ever decide to make Windows 11 HOME for ARM available for purchase THAT WILL INSTALL THROUGH PARALLELS ON A M1 MAC I will break down and get it from them directly or Parallels.
  8. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    Hallo Allerseits, vielleicht kann mir ja einer helfen. Ich bin gerade ein bisschen ratlos, denn ich habe keine Ahnung, wo mein Windows sich befindet und wie die Zukunft eventuell hierfür aussieht. Bin ich im Beta oder im Preview Channel oder sonst wo ??? Ich habe ein MacAir M1, noch Parallels 16.5.1, Windows ist auf dem neusten Stand und zu Zeit ohne Probleme (siehe Anhang). Windows ist nicht aktiviert, da ich nur einen Schlüssel für die Home Version habe. Wäre schön, wenn mir einer die Zukunft für mein Windows vorhersagen könnte :) . Vielen Dank. LG

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  9. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    Dass Windows 11 normalerweise bei mir nicht funktionieren dürfte, war ja auch mein Kenntnisstand. Deswegen die Anfrage. Ich habe nichts neu installiert. Diese Version hat sich vom Ursprung - Windows 10 Arm Insider Preview DEV Channel - durch Updates so entwickelt.
  10. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    Nachtrag : Heute gab es ein Update von Parallels auf Version 16.5.2 !!! Seitdem scheine ich das reguläre Windows 11 zu haben :) (siehe Anhang). Keine Meldung mehr, dass mein PC nicht geeignet ist für Windows 11 und ich könnte wieder am Insider-Programm teilnehmen. Also ich denke, ich habe das Geld für ein Upgrade auf die Version 17 von Parallels gespart.

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