Microsoft Access 365 Crashes On Launch

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by tibbar, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. tibbar

    tibbar Bit poster

    I have a Intel MacBook Pro and a M1 Mac mini; both with Office 365. The MacBook Pro can easily use a standard (64-bit) version of Windows 10. The Mac mini requires the ARM edition of Windows 11. (If I had the ISO, I would absolutely use Windows 10.)

    Following recent updates, the MacBook Pro still works fine, but the Mac mini will no longer allow me to open an Access database, within the guest environment.

    I can open the program without issues in the Guest VM, but if I load any database, including one that I created after opening the program, it immediately crashes to my VM desktop.

    Any help will be appreciated.
  2. tibbar

    tibbar Bit poster

    When I attempt to access the link, I get this:
  3. PaoloC9

    PaoloC9 Bit poster

    I have the same problem?
    Any help will be appreciated
  4. Rhoda

    Rhoda Bit poster

    I have the same problem. Any help will be appreciated.
  5. PaoloS8

    PaoloS8 Bit poster

    Hi, same problem here. If I click the link I get the same "permission denied" page already posted by @tibbar :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2022
  6. RobertB44

    RobertB44 Bit poster

    Hi. Also having the same problem. Would love to find a solution.
  7. MarkP32

    MarkP32 Bit poster

    I am experiencing the same problem. All Microsoft Access databases crash back to the desktop when attempting to open. I am using an Arm based MacBook Pro with Windows 11 VM. The same databases open fine on another Intel based machine using Windows 10 and same version of Parallels Desktop.
  8. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hi, please create a support ticket the issue. Then collect technical report and send it to that ticket so that we can investigate further and help you out. Mention the 9 digit technical report id on that ticket. Please follow for sending technical report.
  9. JohnW70

    JohnW70 Member

    Same problem, though without the "Permission Denied" message. Submitted ticket and technical report. Subsequently updated to the Insider Preview version of Office. No error messages, but still shuts down Access if creating a new file or attempting to open another. My question is that I have a memory of Access working in November when I started with Parallels on a new MacBook Air. False memory? Or is this a phenomenon that first appeared in 2022? Is it the same for everybody on M1, or does it work for some people?
  10. PaoloS8

    PaoloS8 Bit poster

    I can confirm that earlier (with the previous release of Win11 preview and the standard MS Office) everything was fine.
  11. PaoloS8

    PaoloS8 Bit poster

    It's funny.... we can't work with Access since December '21... all the informations have been supplied via forum BUT we have to create a support ticket and so on.
    A little question to support: have you ever tried to simply open Access and see what's happen?
  12. JohnW70

    JohnW70 Member

    I repeat the question from Paolo58 and have the impression that the people who respond to tickets are not aware of a problem. Having sent a technical report some time ago, I received an e-mail today asking for another, then noticed that the ticket had been closed "Solution Provided". If we could simply be told that Parallels cannot reproduce the problem on their M1 Macs, and that they can easily create and open Access databases, then we would be further forward in identifying a problem that, for those of us also using Access on Intel Macs, seems only to occur in Parallels for M1.
  13. JohnW70

    JohnW70 Member

    Update since sending the last message. I have been told that "the issue requires further investigation" and that it will be passed to "the next level of support". Some progress there.
  14. PhilipB12

    PhilipB12 Bit poster

    I exactly got the same problem:

    I use Windows 11 in Parallels on my Macbook Air with M1 processor. (Parallels 17.1.1 (51537) M1)
    For this I use "Windows 11 on ARM Insider Preview" (according to the instructions at: ).
    In Windows 11 I have installed "Microsoft Office 2021 professional Plus" to work with Microsoft Access.

    The programs are selectable via "Start". "Microsoft Word" runs without errors.
    Access starts to the start window where the selection is to be made whether a new database is to be created or an existing one is to be opened.
    However, in both cases this leads to a crash of the program.
    1) Click on "New" -> "Empty database" under C:\Users\Name\Documents\ -> "Create" -> program crashes
    2) Click on "Open" -> Database1 under C:\Users\Name\Documents\ -> window opens (translation from German:) "The last time you opened Database1.accdb, this resulted in a fatal error. Do you want to continue opening?" -> click on "Yes" -> program crashes.

    More information:
    - activated mode: Windows is isolated from the Mac
    - "Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview evaluation copy build 22538.rs_prerelease.220114-1500" requires activation (-> "Activate Windows - Go to settings to activate Windows"), but this cannot be done

    I contacted Parallels Support and got this answer, which is not solving my problem in any way:

    Please refer to the link mentioned below to resolve third-party software issues:
    If the issue persists, please send a screenshot of the error so that we can assist you further.
  15. JohnW70

    JohnW70 Member

    The latest Microsoft update, Version 2201 (Build 14827.20158) seems to have resolved the problem. I can both create a new Access file and open an existing one.
  16. PhilipB12

    PhilipB12 Bit poster

    I updated (within the windows insider programm) to the latest build 22543.1000 rs_prerelease
    and installed the latest windows updates.
    But access is still crashing when I open a new database or start an existing one.

    Any idea, what I could do to prevent the crash? Thank you.
  17. PhilipB12

    PhilipB12 Bit poster

    Ok. I had to update Microsoft Access.
    After updating to Microsoft Access 2021 MSO Version 2112 (Build 14827.20158 Klick-und-Los) 64 Bit it now is working.
    (+ also installing the latest windows 11 built (22543.1000 rs_prerelease).

    Now: A New Database is opening and an existing database is starting.

    See also the threads:

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