Desktop files hidden by default

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by BrianL16, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. BrianL16

    BrianL16 Bit poster

    Parallels Toolbox Version 5.1.0, MacOS 11.6.2. Every time I log in, all desktop files are hidden and I have to unhide them. I can find no user setting to change this. I've contacted Parallels support, they suggested reinstalling Parallels Toolbox which did not help. Suggestions? This "on by default" behavior must be stuck in a preferences file somewhere, even if it's not a user selectable setting.
  2. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    could you please run these three commands in Terminal application (when files are hidden) and post output here:

    defaults read com.parallels.toolbox.HideDesktop
    defaults read com.parallels.toolbox.PresentationMode
    defaults read
  3. YuanningZ

    YuanningZ Bit poster

    I am having the same issue and similar like this:
  4. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

  5. SteveM42

    SteveM42 Bit poster

    I have the same issue as BrianL16, very annoying. I don't want my desktop folders hidden on startup and there appears to be no option to stop this from occurring. Is there a fix yet? Thanks
  6. BrianL16

    BrianL16 Bit poster

    I seem to have missed some replies. Catching up now. This is still happening after several updates, uninstalling and reinstalling, etc. As soon as I start it, it hides my desktop files.

    Note the "last run" time below is when I started Parallels Tools and it hid all my files.

    bclee@iMac-Pro-7 ~ % defaults read com.parallels.toolbox.HideDesktop
    LastRun = "2022-07-05 05:10:04 pm";
    bclee@iMac-Pro-7 ~ % defaults read com.parallels.toolbox.PresentationMode
    KnownDisplays = {
    4128834 = 2;
    4128838 = 2;
    LastRun = "2022-07-02 11:39:53 am";
    "NSWindow Frame Presentation Mode" = "1048 418 463 578 0 0 2560 1415 ";
    "NSWindow Frame Presentation" = "868 224 281 424 0 0 2560 1417 ";
    "NSWindow Frame StartScreenDialog" = "1055 628 450 587 0 0 2560 1415 ";
    PMDuration = 4;
    bclee@iMac-Pro-7 ~ % defaults read
    "DND_Tools_Enabled_list" = (
    DndPrefExported = 1;
    HDEnabled = 1;
    HDPrefExported = 1;
    "HD_Tools_Enabled_list" = (
    HiddenFiles = (
    "/Users/bclee/Desktop/untitled folder",
    "/Users/bclee/Desktop/Screen Shot 2022-06-25 at 2.24.49 PM.png",
    "/Users/bclee/Desktop/Screen Shots",
    [... etc, don't really want to post the contents of my desktop here]

  7. BrianL16

    BrianL16 Bit poster

    Report ID 401889744
  8. BrianL16

    BrianL16 Bit poster

    I have not found or heard of a fix. I contacted Parallels support on Twitter, they told me to uninstall and reinstall the program. When that didn't work, I never heard back from them.
  9. YuanningZ

    YuanningZ Bit poster

    Well! I know we have different problems but my method might be able to help you guys as well. What happened to me was the desktop files just disappeared and I had to use command + Shift + Period to show the files again. I have tried chflags nohidden and those defaults write commands and no luck! Then I saw a post somewhere to clear the folder attributes. xattr -c "here goes your file path" Try that to see if it would work!
  10. SteveM42

    SteveM42 Bit poster

    Thanks! I'll wait for an email alert on this thread since you have already engaged them. I also have reinstalled, not to mention installed their latest update; still have the same problem.
  11. NikolaiS@Parallels

    NikolaiS@Parallels Staff Member


    The behavior is likely associated with a permission issue with one of Parallels Tools configuration files (which is located outside of the application bundle, and thus does not get deleted when you delete the app).

    To try to resolve the issue, please, perform the following steps:

    0. Make sure that your Desktop items are visible.

    1. Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and execute the following command:
    sudo rm ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
    (You will need to enter your Mac password to run the command. No symbols will be shown due to security measures, so just hit the keys and use Return/Enter.)

    2. Restart Parallels Toolbox. Try restarting the Mac and check if "Hide Desktop Files" is triggered again. If yes, please let us know, and we will create a support ticket to further investigate the behavior.

    And in any case, please let us know about the results.

    BrianL16 likes this.
  12. BrianL16

    BrianL16 Bit poster

    Thanks! That's the hidden preferences file I've been looking for. After doing this I can start Parallels Toolbox without it hiding all my desktop files. I haven't restarted my computer yet but I have started and stopped Parallels Toolbox a couple times without problems.

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