I dislike: the double red bar added to all Windows icons shown in Dock

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Olivier, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Olivier

    Olivier Forum Maven

    I think I understand the goal being to distinguish Mac OS X processes from those running in a virtual machine, but in the end of the day, this is something absolutely not needed and which ruins the design and elegance of icons. I know I have Parallels Desktop installed and running. No need to remember it to me on each Windows icons.


    Not terribly important, I know, but I'd love to see these overlays disappear in a later build or version.
  2. Zippy

    Zippy Member

    If you go to the parallels desktop application and select "Show Contents" to open the package you'll see A Resources folder in one named Contents. In this there is a WinAppFav-Over.icns (and a mask to go with it). Altering this in a graphics app may remove the annoying bard - but it may also wreck a working version of Parallels!
    Try at your own risk!
  3. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    The double red bar is our company logo. Just look at my avatar. It is used to differentiate the Mac and Win applications. Thank you for your suggestion, we will think about it.

    Best regards,
  4. mefm247

    mefm247 Bit poster

    Hi Alexander,

    Your point about the double red bars being the company logo is interesting, because from a marketing stand point, obviously you want your brand to stand out. The problem with most new users is that your logo also looks like a pause button, which then becomes an usability problem as they might believe that the virtual machine is paused.

    Irrespective of that, parallels is amazing. Thank you for a wonderful product.

    Kind regards,

  5. dansparallels

    dansparallels Bit poster

    Agree 100%: the parallel bars are confusing

    OK, I know it's your logo. And that's fine. I get it. Two *parallel* lines. It's cool. And I'm not being sarcastic. But it is VERY confusing to a first-time user to see those red "pause" buttons on the dock. I'm thinking, "How did I pause my VM? And how do I un-pause it?" Obviously it is not a deal-breaker and after five minutes of confusion, I'll never be confused again. But I think you need a better symbol.

    Just my $.02 on it.
  6. rjb

    rjb Bit poster

  7. JeffBo

    JeffBo Bit poster

    A configuration option would be greatly appreciated to remove these bars...
  8. ChristopherW24

    ChristopherW24 Junior Member

    I also thought this was a pause icon, and I found this forum while attempting to research what I thought was a bug. Now I know it's supposed to be there, I'm less bothered by it, but I do agree it could be more aesthetically pleasing.
  9. A200

    A200 Bit poster

    they finally got rid of the double red lines from the icons :)
    ChristopherW24 likes this.
  10. DavidT47

    DavidT47 Bit poster

    Indeed. Noticed this with Parallels Desktop 18 when my father couldn't tell the difference between Outlook running on Windows in a VM and Outlook running natively for MacOS. I was telling him to look for the one with the two red vertical lines on to help distinguish, but now I realise these have disappeared. I'd personally prefer an option to configure this as on or off.
    ChristopherW24 likes this.

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