windows 11 arm graphics drivers for Autodesk inventor

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by NicolasM6, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. NicolasM6


    I would like better drivers for Autodesk inventor. The application is very slow on an 32 gpu core M1 max.
    But Autodesk Revit runs really fine. So I Guess that with the correct driver support, Inventor could run faster too.
    On inventor first install it defaults to software graphics, but Revit recognizes hardware acceleration.
    Both programs surely use similar graphics engines
    AnthonyK8 likes this.
  2. DominikHoffmann

    DominikHoffmann Junior Member

    How would we know that there has been movement on this request?
  3. Ben38

    Ben38 Bit poster

    I did the trial run of Parallels and decided NOT to purchase because of how Autodesk Inventor currently runs. Inventor is the sole reason I need to run Windows on my Macbook Pro 16 with M1 Max, but Inventor is unusable in the current state. Inventor defaults to its software graphics and can't be overridden. I don't know if this is a Parallel driver issue or an Autodesk issue, but other Autodesk programs run better for some reason. If this were fixed so that Inventor was able to utilize the full graphics power of the M1, I would immediately subscribe to Parallels.
    RichardR22 and JorenV like this.
  4. RichardR22

    RichardR22 Bit poster

    I wish I would have done a trial run. Inventor isn't worth a flip in Parellels and the same reason I purchased Parallels so that I could design on my M1 Mac. I know there has to be a way and I feel it is graphics related. I changed my resolution way down on the VM and worked way better but I want to Apple resolution to have more real estate to work w/.
  5. AndrewA2


    This is a serious deal-breaker for Inventor users - it is is utterly unusable on an M2 Pro. I've tried every conceivable setting and trawled countless forum all to no avail :(
    DominikG5 likes this.

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