Lost Ark cannot run under Parallels? (gaming)

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by SerhanG, Feb 9, 2022.

  1. SerhanG

    SerhanG Bit poster

    I tried to play a game called Lost Ark from Steam but when I click Play button after a anti-cheat client check I got an error that "Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine" error. I am using version 15 of Parallels Desktop for Mac on my Macbook Pro 2017. Is this problem related to my Parallels version or I cannot run this application even if I upgrade my Parallels to the latest version?
  2. LisaS7

    LisaS7 Bit poster

    Hey SerhanG!

    Don't bother. I run the latest version of Parallels and I am getting the same error. The game doesn't run on M1 chips either. It's Lost Arks Anti-Cheat program that doesn't allow it to run on MacOS. I guess we have to wait for GeForce now :(

  3. AndersonO3

    AndersonO3 Bit poster

    It is not related to Parallels Desktop, it is a limitation of the software since they do not guarantee EAC will work in a VM. You can bypass the check by deleting the key in the RegEdit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System -> SystemBiosVersion.
  4. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    wow omg , lol is this actually work ? Out of all the online searching you are the first one talking about something that can work

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