For Optimal Speed, have Parallels Access my Bootcamp installation, or make a new VM

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration' started by KevinS31, Apr 1, 2022.

  1. KevinS31

    KevinS31 Bit poster

    I have a Mac Pro with 28 cores and 192 GB of memory and more GPU than i need. I need speed to run really large data sets in MS Access and Excel. Before setting up Parallels 17, i created a bootcamp partition and installed windows in case i was not getting the performance i need in the VM environment. When i installed P17, i decided to just run it from the bootcamp install (My Bootcamp) instead of making a new VM. Other than sacrificing drive space (I got a lot of that too), are there any other drawbacks to this type of installation - namely in performance?
  2. Asish

    Asish Staff Member

    Hello, Please refer to this link to check the Performance Comparison between Parallels Desktop and Boot Camp.
  3. KevinS31

    KevinS31 Bit poster

    Did a bot just answer my question because that comes nowhere even close to what i had just asked? Let me simplify it a bit more: What is fastest, Choose A, B, or C.
    A. Parallels VM
    B. Parallels VM that is Accessing the bootcamp installation
    C. A and B are the exact same speed.
  4. Asish

    Asish Staff Member

    Hello, We would like to inform you that the Parallels Virtual Machine and Bootcamp installation both are the fastest and have the same speed. The performance of both Parallels VM and Bootcamp installation completely depends on the host Mac hardware resources (RAM, Processor & CPU usage).

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