text modules / autocorrection in windows-vm similar to mac-os

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by HC_3, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

    on the mac, you can abbreviate the spelling out of repetitive phrases by using text modules:

    For example, "kr" automatically becomes "kind regards".
    (if you enter this in system settings > keyboard > text).

    unfortunately, this doesn't work in a windows-vm. so i'd like to ask the community: is there any way in parallels desktop?

    it would be important that this is also applied, for example, when writing a mail text in outlook or a letter in word.
    is there a way to set this up in the settings of parallels desktop or in the configuration of a virtual machine?
  2. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Currently, there is no way to set it up except for the option to use third-party software. I've submitted a feature request to our R&D Team.
  3. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

    thank you very much for your advice. that is interesting.

    however, i have not yet found any third party software that does this in macos and the windows vm. do you have a tip?
  4. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Honestly, I have no insights about the software that can work under macOS and Windows VM at the same time. I'd recommend you install the software inside Windows (you can install Text Replacer, for instance: https://alternativeto.net/software/text-replacer/about/ ) VM and use the built-in macOS utility on the macOS side. To make the replace text function work similarly, create the same text replacement chains in the Windows replacement app as you have set up in macOS.
  5. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

    thanks for your advice, MikhailU! yes, that's how i do it (using ms office's on-board tools).

    had hoped that you don't have to do this in two ways. but it does seem to be mandatory.

    thanks again.
  6. Mr. C.

    Mr. C. Member

  7. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

    thanks for the tip! does the app for macos and the windows vm work together? i mean, without having to install it twice and without having to enter the text shortcuts for mac and windows separately?
  8. Mr. C.

    Mr. C. Member

    I'm not sure about that a single host install placing text in both the host as well as a guest.

    TextExpander saves text shortcuts in the cloud, so you can have access to the same shortcuts in both installs.
  9. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

    yes, that could be the solution. thank you for your advice!
    let's see if this (two installations, in macos and windos-vm, both accessing the text shortcuts in the cloud) works like this.

    this could possibly also solve this problem:

    Virtual Machines like Parallels and VMware do try to "transport" your pasteboard from the Mac environment to the virtualized system, but TextExpander's changes seem to occur too quickly or otherwise not be recognized.

    i will try it out on the weekend ...
  10. Mr. C.

    Mr. C. Member


    Alfred's snippets paste just fine from my Mac into my Windows VM.

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