How to install Docker under Windows 11 in Parallels?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by TysunE, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. TysunE

    TysunE Bit poster

    I was trying to install Docker Desktop in Windows 11 and could not get it configured.
    Got Docker/Windows messages about WSL and Hypervisor and a thread about boot flags "kernel.nvmx.enable=1 etc. Then I realized it can't be done natively since it's a VM.
    I have Parallels Toolbox but don't see any Docker options.
    Also, if I install Ubuntu using Parallels and want Docker installed on that Ubuntu VM what do I need to do?

  2. TysunE

    TysunE Bit poster

    p.s. I have Hyper-V Manager installed in Windows 11 under Parallels. Is that required just to run Docker in Windows 11 VM?
    Just for your info, I have both Windows 11 and Ubuntu installed under Parallels. I'm just trying to find out how to install Docker Desktop in both of those VMs. Thanks
  3. DimiK

    DimiK Bit poster

    Did you find a slution?

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