Mouse Cursor Completely Disappearing in Windows 11 on Mac M2

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Lane1, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. Lane1


    I am trying to use the Windows 11 Virtual machine and every single time i click anywhere my mouse cursor completely disappears and doesnt work at all. It was working a few days ago so this doesnt make any sense. I also tried fully restarting my device, and parallels as well as uninstalling and reinstalling. I also toggled every single settting in mouse settings multiple times and nothing is working. There is no other information anywhere about how to fix this??
    AnnemarieH likes this.
  2. AnnemarieH

    AnnemarieH Bit poster

    I have the same issue, it has only been occurring in the last week. Changed mouse, changed mouse settings in VM, switched to trackpad, removed and reinstalled Parallels, all updates completed. It's infuriating and very difficult to work when your cursor is randomly disappearing. Any help would be most appreciated!
  3. johnH92

    johnH92 Bit poster

    Same issue. Mouse pointer disappears in Outlook, Word, most any app. Making rapid circles with the mouse sometimes brings it back, but it usually disappears again. Has been happening since I first installed Windows 11 on ARM. Setup is almost unusable - this maddening.
  4. AnnemarieH

    AnnemarieH Bit poster

    Out of sheer frustration I wiped my entire machine, reinstalled OS and reinstalled Parallels which seemingly has solved the problem for now, but I am not holding my breath that it won't reoccur... sorry guys appears support are not interested in assisting with this one!
    johnH92 likes this.

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