API for RemotePC setup & Publishing

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server Feature Suggestions' started by GallikerI, Feb 4, 2025.

  1. GallikerI

    GallikerI Bit poster

    We set up completely automated creation of VMs.
    But integration to RAS as RemotePCs & publishing is currently not possible with API.
    It would save us time to be able to call API for these steps:
    1. Farm -> RemotePC -> adding and deleting RemotePCs, (optinal) installing agents from the CB
    2. Publishing -> Adding and deleting publishings, defining settings and permissions in detail
  2. Christian Aquilina

    Christian Aquilina Parallels Team

    Hi Gallikerl, the suggested way forward is to make use RemotePC as a provider - can be configured for both static or dynamic which include API interface https://docs.parallels.com/ras-powershell-api-20
    Please let us know if you have difficulties setting this up.
  3. GallikerI

    GallikerI Bit poster

    Hi Christian
    We did set up the provider for RemotePC as you described, yes.
    But our Devs say that there are no ways to control the tasks I listed - there seem to be only commands regarding AzureAVD not for our Nutanix Provider...

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