Windows config file suddenly missing???

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by james_mac, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. james_mac

    james_mac Junior Member

    I am running Parallels build 5582 on Leopard 10.5.1. I have been running it for a while without any problems. Today I resumed my saved state (as I normally do) and the Windows screen was frozen. The green hills desktop of XP showed up, but I couldn't do anything (ex: open the start menu, click on icons, etc.). That happens from time to time with Parallels, so I had to manually reset the virtual machine. When I did, it wouldn't go past the black screen. It gave me an error message:
    I tried pressing 'r' like the instructions said. It did something, but then took me back to that same black screen.

    So what happened??? Is my Windows install screwed? or is there something I can do to resurrect this thing?

    Attached Files:

  2. james_mac

    james_mac Junior Member

    any ideas on how i can make this work again?

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