Separate names with a comma.
Did anyone get a solution ? I just managed to copy four .pvm files together with other non-Parallels files from an internal SSD to a new external...
Thank you. Not making a lot of progress - but Parallels support are trying to be helpful. Pain !!
After a MacOS upgrade, I am getting PRL_ERR_VM_UNABLE_ALLOC_MEM whenever I try to open my Suspended VMs. (one is Windows 7, one is Ubuntu 18). I...
Hi - I had to do a reboot for other reasons. Problem solved. Parallels started ok. Thank you.
About Parallels Desktop says that "this copy of Parallels Desktop is not active". However, it is (newly) registered in my Parallels Account.........
Just rolled over and purchased upgrade to 17. Downloaded and Installed ok without any error messages. Just hangs - saying "Starting......"...
Let's make that more like half an hour ?
Is it normal for Parallels to take say 10 minutes or more to start-up ? Square Parallels Logo window sits there saying "Starting......" for many...
ok - just noticed in "About Parallels" that is says "This copy of Parallels is not active". However, it won't let me press the Account Button to...
Running Parallels Version 13.3.2 (43368) in macOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6 . Parallels kicks off...but just sits with Black bar ("Parallels...
I have downgraded the version of Parallels Toolbox and it all seems to be ok - not sure how it ever got upgraded to a version that my version of...
Just upgraded from Sierra to High Sierra. Running Parallels 13 and Toolbox V3. Now says Licence key is invalid. Have tried to use my...
just to add to this - Despite altering my Preferences - Parallels appears to be using the old Windows7.pvm - even though it is called...
I have just moved two pvm files to an SSD. (from my Hard Drive) I have changed my Parallels preferences to point to the directory on the SSD. 1)...
Doing the same today. 18GB read, 8 GB written - just sits there continuously reading / this a Windows 7 feature or something to...
Just noticed - that since being fired up this morning Windows 7 has Read 50GB and written 25GB (according to Activity Monitor). Why ? Does it read...
Just installed 5 Windows 7 updates - took 6 hours. Should it really take this long ? MacBook Pro Mid 2010. Sierra. 8GB memory. Patience getting...
That's what Parallels tell me........
No - I am using Parallels 9 - and I am told that this is the problem. When I save up enough pennies, or when Parallels offer a discount - I'll...
ok folks - don't bang your heads against the wall any more - looks like Parallels 9 does not support this feature in Yosemite. I am now at Level...