2x Client Printing Problem - permissions?

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by springbox, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. springbox

    springbox Member

    Hi Guys

    We have a customer who was running 2x AppServer 6.1 Client - all working fine.

    He got a new XP pc, installed latest version of 2x client (Version 7.1 build 660) and now logs in fine & runs app etc but when he tries to 2x print, error message comes up saying "Your client does not support virtual printing".

    However, same pc prints fine from 2x when logged as Administrator so this looks like a permissions issue.

    What xp permissions could be preventing 2x Universal Printer from running properly? Is there a separate app that needs running ?

    We have run the install routine several times (as Administrator) but user's credentials do not allow install.

    Never seen this before - any thoughts?


  2. springbox

    springbox Member

    Another One...

    Have now got two users (from different companies and no commonality) reporting "Your client does not support 2x Virtual Printing" when trying to print from a published app which otherwise runs fine.

    They are both running version 6.2 and they are both new installations on to XP. They both print fine when logged in as Administrator but not when logged in as normal users.

    Does anybody know of any XP permissions which might be causing this as we cannot be alone?


  3. Hi springbox,
    this is very strange bug, for the first can you please follow to 2x client installation folder and check permissions of 2XVirtualPrinter.dll file ? Seems to be that for some reasons it is not loaded and can't establish communication with server.

    Also it is interesting to temporary add user which has problems to administrative group and see results.

    And for me it is not completelly clear which side "Administrator" account mentioned. Server administrator, or local client machine administrator ?
  4. kalel76

    kalel76 Guest

    I am having the same issue as well, but I don't think it's a permissions issue. I have two people (non admins) with identical permissions where one can print and the other cannot. The person that cannot print gets the exact error you described.
  5. Hi kalel76,
    can you please check that user which has problem to print, logged off (not just disconnected) from server, before opening new published application and trying to print ?
  6. kalel76

    kalel76 Guest

    Even when he logs off, he still gets the same error.
  7. springbox

    springbox Member

    2x Printing Permissions

    Hi Antonskr

    Thanks for the reply.

    We will try your suggestions in the morning - the users have gone home now.

    Administrator in this context is the local client machine Administrator which is why we thought it might be permissions.

    The company that set these machines up is very keen on locking down everything so hopefully its an easy fix.

    Will let you know how we get on

  8. springbox

    springbox Member

    Re: 2x Printing Permissions

    Hi Antonskr

    We have looked at the permissions for the file 2XVirtualPrinter.dll on the local client pc - it looked fine but just to be sure, we added the user EVERYONE and gave it FULL CONTROL. Problem was just the same - still gives same error message.

    We are trying to get the user temp amin rights but their IT is not too keen on that one,

    Any other thoughts - is there anything else we can check (services running, dlls loaded etc) ?


  9. springbox

    springbox Member

    One of our users has just sent us this link, from August 2007, describing exactly the same issues with an answer regarding registry keys.


    Apparently the registry keys required in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\AddIns\2XVirtualPrinter"

    is only created for the user running the installation - in this case the local client Administrator.

    We will try to create the key manually & see what happens.

    Given that this is a known issue, would it not make sense to build in a registry check/modify routine in to the client ? (in fairness that would also require the correct permissions)

    Let you know how we get on

  10. springbox

    springbox Member


    Problem sorted.

    We did not try the registry fix as users will most likely mess it up but finally got permissions changed so the relevant users also had (albeit temporarily) installation rights.

    Thats sorted the problem - we will know next time.

    Good luck everyone else !

  11. Hi springbox,
    can you please explain more clear what exactly you did to sort it out ? Modfiy permissions of files/registry keys ? Adding user to administrative group ?

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