3.0 upgrade lost activation code for 2.5

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by swgarrison, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. swgarrison

    swgarrison Bit poster

    I just purchased and upgraded my 2.5 version (was activated) to 3.0 and used my new activation code but now Parallels wants my old 2.5 code which I no longer have. I have previously deleted my email from last year which had the old code. How am I supposed to obtain an old activation code? ANy help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. jta

    jta Bit poster

    I have a similar issue. I installed the upgrade (or so I believe). The modified date in the directory is 3/7/2007 for the application but 6/7 for the documentation. THe "about Paralles Desktop shows a build of 3212. When I go to activate using my new upgrade key it reponds that the key is invalid for this product. When I try my old key from the original install it works fine. However the functionality of the SW is not 3.0 but the older revision.

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