Activation email needed

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MaiyeS, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. MaiyeS

    MaiyeS Bit poster

    pls I couldn't find my activation mail sent to me some years back. I will appreciate it if the activation mail can be forwarded to my mail again. Thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2018
  2. KebhaK@Parallels

    KebhaK@Parallels Hunter

    Hello, please check your personal message and reply us.
  3. KianS

    KianS Bit poster

    Everything needs a valid mail so that why they send us a mail to confirm it or maybe they think, you're a robot who is trying do wrong on their platform. Like I wanted to use Garageband on Windows which I've downloaded from but it needs a valid mail id to sign up. so, in the end, it really important to do also you can get back your login details if you forgot in case.
    vimalk1 likes this.
  4. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We've checked with your email "maiye***" but unable to find any purchases or activation key registered.

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