Apple M1 Since update of Parallels Desktop 17.1 USB gamepad recognized but not working in Windows 11

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by GeoffreyC2, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. GeoffreyC2

    GeoffreyC2 Junior Member

    Hello, I'm having issues with my gamepads (USB or Bluetooth) with OS X and in Parallels Desktop.
    And since Parallels Desktop 17.1, it seems it's worse. Could someone help ?

    With Parallels Desktop 17.0 :
    Mac OS X BigSur :
    - XBOX 360 USB controller working (and community driver not working on M1 chip)
    -PlayStation 3 Bluetooth controller - working
    Parallels+Windows 11 :
    - XBOX 360 USB controller was working perfectly
    - PlayStation 3 Dualshock3 controller - not tested

    After Parallels Desktop 17.1 upgrade:
    Mac OS X Big Sur : unchanged
    Parallels+Windows 11 :
    - XBOX 360 USB controller not working any more.
    - PlayStation Dualshock3 controller not working either in USB or bluetooth
    In both cases the gamepad is visible in recognized by Win10 OS but buttons and controls are not working (tested with Microsoft Windows11 Game Controllers tool, inside games and with online test)
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, could you collect the technical report once the issue reoccurs and post the report's ID here?

    SWANDY Pro

    I have a Microsoft XBox gamepad but it isn't USB - it's Bluetooth. Have not tried it in a while. Wonder if it would have the same issues?
  4. GeoffreyC2

    GeoffreyC2 Junior Member

    Hello, there is an important word missing on my first thread : on OSX my xbox 360 usb controller is NOT working with or without community driver (install fail).
    SWANDY can you please also do the test with parallel 17.1 ?
  5. JesseO1

    JesseO1 Bit poster

    Having the same issue here, wired xbox 360 controller was working in Windows through Parallels 17.0, updated today to 17.1 and now the green light blinking at me. Controller is almost brand new and works in Big Sur itself and on my Pixel 4a. Tried the usual restart / uninstall / re-install etc.

    Technical Report ID is 381521070

    SWANDY Pro

    I am out now. Will check it under macOS Big Sur 11.6 and Windows 11 ARM PRO/Parallels 17.1.0 when I get a chance later on and let you know.

    SWANDY Pro

    I haven't had a chance to test the Xbox Bluetooth controller on my Apple Arcade games that run on MacOS but I got it connected to my Parallels/Windows 11 install easily and played an Xbox game Hydro Racer or something like that and it worked perfectly.
  8. GeoffreyC2

    GeoffreyC2 Junior Member

    Hello, Jessie I also have the bling light. Technical id is 381481337
  9. JesseO1

    JesseO1 Bit poster

    Is it possible to rollback to Parallels 17.0?
    i can see we can rollback to earlier versions of Paralells and it replaces the current version but 17 installer just installs the 17.1 build.
  10. GeoffreyC2

    GeoffreyC2 Junior Member

    I think it's too late if (like me) you have done many things in your vm since update :
  11. GeoffreyC2

    GeoffreyC2 Junior Member

    @maria : do you have any update for this problem on Parallels side ?
    Technical Report ID is 381521070
  12. LouisL8

    LouisL8 Bit poster

    Hi there,

    I don't know if it can help Parallel Support, but I have a similar issue with my Logitech USB gamepad f310.

    The gamepad was working fine in version of Parallel Desktop previous from 17.1. However since I updated to Parallel 17.1.0, everything seems to be working:
    1) I see the gamepad in the "Bluetooth and other devices" in "other devices"
    2) The most recent drivers for the gamepad are installed (automatically by Windows)
    3) When I go in Control Panel > Devices and Printers. The controller is listed there;
    4) Still in Control Panel, when I right click it and click on Game Controller Settings. Click Advanced and ensured it's selected as the Default/Preferred Device (it works!)

    But nothing happens when I click the buttons or the joysticks of the gamepad. Even when I am in the Game Controller Settings of Windows, when I go in Properties to verify the axis', triggers, and buttons, none are working, there is no action at all.

    To summarize, the gamepad was working fine with previous version of Parallel Desktop (previous from 17.1). Since 17.1, everything seems to work (gamepad is detected, etc.) but none of the buttons, triggers, joysticks are doing an action at all.

    My Technical report ID is 381591161
  13. IssacR

    IssacR Bit poster

    I have this same issue. Xbox Controller is recognized and usable in MacOS, but not in windows 11. Have tried USB, Xbox wireless adapter, and Bluetooth. Any fix?
  14. LuLu from Taiwan

    LuLu from Taiwan Bit poster

    I have the sam issue on Parallels Desktop 17.1 with Windows 10.
    Game controller is DualShock4, and worked perfect on Parallels Desktop 16 when my iMac was on Big Sur.
    Then I update macOS Big Sur to Monterey in 25th Oct., I can't connect it anymore.
    In Windows 10's bluetooth setting, DualShock4 will appear but require a "Pin code" that I Google it is "0000" but still failed.
    Tried so many times and still not working.
    There is a tool called "DS4Windows" I used on Parallels Desktop 16 with Windows 10, and it worked perfectly.
    My ticket number is "#3091002". Please help.
  15. PatrickS33

    PatrickS33 Bit poster

    I also have the same issue. I can get my xbox one controller paired and connected but the input is not recognized in Win11. Input gets recognized in MacOS ...
  16. hdmr14

    hdmr14 Bit poster

  17. DavidD53

    DavidD53 Bit poster

    Same issue. Since updating from 17 to 17.1 Logitech cordless rumbled 2 no longer works on Windows XP or 10. Parallels recognises it and "connects" it - but it is unresponsive. Rolled back to Parallels 16, and it works again.
  18. DavidD53

    DavidD53 Bit poster

    Note: Logitech Dual action (corded) works on 17.1 - so it seems to be affecting only cordless controllers.
  19. ColinM12

    ColinM12 Bit poster

    Same, with an XBox bluetooth controller.
  20. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    I have an Xbox Bluetooth controller and even though I only tried it with one game it worked perfectly.

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