I've not done it in a while, but have installed on both Arch and Chakra in the past. The biggest issue is that the installer doesn't know how to build to rc.d and how to register to rc.conf.
NOTE: Use sudo if required.
NOTE2: The latest Arch uses xorg v1.12, which Parallels Tools does not yet support
1) pacman -S gcc make linux-headers
2) ln -s /etc/rc.d /etc/init.d
3) mkdir /etc/init (directory required for the prl-x11 configuration)
4) mount the Parallels Tools
5) copy the Parallels Tools to a working directory
6) Manually edit installer/install-tools.sh:
- Comment out "$REGISTER_SERVICE" --install "$TOOLSD"
- Comment out "$REGISTER_SERVICE" --install "$XTOOLS"
7) Run the installer in your working directory
8) Manually edit /etc/rc.conf file:
- Add 'prl_tg prl_fs prl_fs_freeze prl_eth' to the end of the MODULES list
- Add 'prl-x11 prltoolsd' to the end of the DAEMONS list
9) Reboot
EDIT: Modules edited to remove old prl_pv reference (see below comments)
Last edited: May 18, 2012