Arch Linux under Parallels 7

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by jpoehls, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. jpoehls

    jpoehls Bit poster

    Has anyone successfully installed the Parallels 7 Tools on Arch Linux? I'm trying but the installer is failing. Basically it is complaining about missing prerequisites and then isn't compatible with pacman to install them itself.
  2. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    I've not done it in a while, but have installed on both Arch and Chakra in the past. The biggest issue is that the installer doesn't know how to build to rc.d and how to register to rc.conf.

    NOTE: Use sudo if required.
    NOTE2: The latest Arch uses xorg v1.12, which Parallels Tools does not yet support

    1) pacman -S gcc make linux-headers
    2) ln -s /etc/rc.d /etc/init.d
    3) mkdir /etc/init (directory required for the prl-x11 configuration)
    4) mount the Parallels Tools
    5) copy the Parallels Tools to a working directory
    6) Manually edit installer/
    - Comment out "$REGISTER_SERVICE" --install "$TOOLSD"
    - Comment out "$REGISTER_SERVICE" --install "$XTOOLS"
    7) Run the installer in your working directory
    8) Manually edit /etc/rc.conf file:
    - Add 'prl_tg prl_fs prl_fs_freeze prl_eth' to the end of the MODULES list
    - Add 'prl-x11 prltoolsd' to the end of the DAEMONS list
    9) Reboot

    EDIT: Modules edited to remove old prl_pv reference (see below comments)
    Last edited: May 18, 2012
  3. JourdanR

    JourdanR Bit poster

    Module not found during boot

    Following the instructions provided by JEarles, after rebooting the module "prl_pv" is not found. Suggestions?
  4. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    As I stated... I did this a while back. I just checked my current Parallels Tools and do not see prl_pv - maybe it was an old module, so I would just remove this item from your MODULES list and try to reboot again.
  5. JourdanR

    JourdanR Bit poster

    Thanks for the tip. Removed the reference and booting up is now ok.

    Does Parallels publish dates somewhere for (planned) Xorg version support in Parallels tools?
  6. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    No where that I know of. The latest build, Build 7.0.15094 - April 5, 2012, provided support up to xorg 1.11.4. Fedora 17 is due out late May, and I believe that it will be using xorg 1.12, so that could provide the necessary impetus to support 1.12.

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