Hi All, 1st Post, thanks in advance for any help Im Running Parrallels on my mac and have Windows 10 and Windows XP working well. I use the Time Machine on the mac to constantly back up to a separate hard drive. I had an printing issue the other day when I jammed a label printer and disconnected the power lead to fix. I decided that the best way to go was to use the Time Machine to get it back to as it was a few hours earlier. Disaster!!!!!! I lost a months work on the Windows 10 side (the XP hadn't been accessed for quite a while). I understood that the Time Machine took an image of the hard drive every day, but that appears only to be the case for the Mac side and NOT the Virtual Windows side. This has cost me 3 days and a total lack of confidence in what is and isn't being backed up. Surely this is an issue that has cropped up before! Or am I totally missing something. Stuart
If I view a backup file from anytime in the past, the Windows Files are as they are today, that cant be right. They are the same, in all the backups