Bonjour can't keep printer in sight

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by drdsgolf, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. drdsgolf

    drdsgolf Bit poster

    I have an Apple Airport Express at home for all our computers, including 4 Macs and a Dell notebook. I have an Epson C86 hooked up to the Express as a network computer and all the computers print to it without any difficulty. The Dell notebook uses Bonjour to print to the Epson as a network printer. I have a new Macbook with the latest Parallels up and running. I downloaded and installed the Epson C86 drivers for Windows XP and downloaded and installed Bonjour for Windows. When I open the Bonjour window on the Macbook in my Windows desktop, the Epson printer appears in the window, but about 5-8 seconds later it disappears before I can do anything with it. Each time I open Bonjour the same things happens. Any thoughts?

  2. Purplish

    Purplish Forum Maven

    I suspect that the drivers you installed are trying to connect locally. I would try the following:

    In your XP on Parallels, remove the drivers that you installed, using Windows Add/Remove Programs.

    Reboot XP

    Run the Bonjour Wizard Again and select your wireless printer. If you do not see your printer driver as a choice, select "Generic Postscript" as driver.
  3. drdsgolf

    drdsgolf Bit poster

    Didn't work. There are a numbers of ways to connect to a network printer, Bonjour is one of them. I tried them all. Once I removed the driver on the Windows side, Bonjour didn't even recognize the Epson. I tried adding the printer a number of ways. I'm thinking I might have better luck with a full reboot with Bootcamp. If that's true, I'll be sorry I paid the $75 for Parallels.
  4. robert123

    robert123 Bit poster

    did you switch on sharing?

    did you go to mac preferances > printers & fax > sharing and turn on "share these printers....."?

    I had trouble with Bonjour before I switched this setting on and then it worked.
  5. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    I had a similar problem to the OP...all printers on the network found by Bonjour, but disappearing after five secs or so.

    I changed the VM configuration to Bridged Ethernet and Bonjour worked fine and I can print.
  6. jackybe67

    jackybe67 Pro

  7. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Yes I did have the latest version. It had the same problem until I changed to Bridged Ethernet.

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