Bought V7 when I should have had the free upgrade!

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by kchace, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. kchace

    kchace Bit poster

    I purchased Mac Desktop V6 on about Aug 3, 2011. The other day when I was using V6, I got a message that I could upgrade to V7 before it was officially announced - so I did. However, I PAID to do it. Now I have found out that the upgrade should be for free for people who bought V6 after Aug1. So I should get a refund, but how??

    I tried using the automated Cust Support on the website, but it is all geared towards *giving* me the free upgrade and not really helping me with this problem. I can't find any numbers to contact a real person.

  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

  3. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    As I see you have the only order placed in August (4th): 9190720826 . It is for Kaspersky Internet Security. There is no Parallels Desktop 6 in this order.

    The detailed information about Parallels Desktop 7 free upgrade key eligibility is available at:

    If you want your order for Parallels Desktop 7 upgrade be refunded please submit support request at: > customer support and licensing

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