Good evening, I just wanted to report a bug with the Password Expiration notice we are experiencing since the update to the latest client 17.1.21727 for both iPad (Generation 6 & 7) and iPhone devices (iPhone 11). When a user first logs in it will show the correct number of days before their password expires (23 for example). As soon as they open a remote app though it immediately changes to state their password has expired "today" and wants them to change it. It also will not let them select 'Remind Me Later' even though they do not want to change it so far in advance so they are stuck with the banner along the bottom of the app taking up much needed space on the screen. This only occurs with devices that are running the latest client. Devices which have not yet been updated are working fine. Thank you, Keith
Good morning, I was wondering if there may be any input regarding when this may be resolved? It's causing frustration with our end users. They are just ignoring it for now but it takes up space along the bottom of the screen and can not be hidden since it incorrectly believes their password has expired. This causing additional scrolling to reach icons or buttons that are behind the password reminder box. Thank you, Keith
Good afternoon Maria, We are AD based and enforce the current policy through GPO for our session hosts: - Max password age: 90 days - Min password age: 7 days - Min password length: 9 characters - Password history: 12 passwords - Require complexity: Yes - Account lockout after 4 failed attempts. In Parallels, we are applying a policy to iOS devices that has both Prohibit Saving Passwords and Prohibit Changing Passwords unchecked currently. I did test turning on 'Prohibit Changing Passwords' just to see if that notice went away without success. Browse mode is set to Secure Identifier. The notice has always shown up regardless of password age (even at day 89) but staff could always say Remind Me Later. With the latest update, the Remind Me Later option does nothing when tapped and when they open a remote app the wording changes from "Days until your password expires: XX" to "Your password wille expire today" with options to Change or Remind Me Later and it cannot be closed. Once you close the remote app or return to the Launcher the wording changes back to "Days until your password expires: XX". Thank you, Keith